Sunday, June 21, 2009


So when we got Gibby we knew it was a "test run". How very horrible to say it but if you know us at all you know our house can be a hectic one. Kids up at 6am and running and screaming from then until bedtime. About a week after we got Gibby we noticed that he was losing hair...which OF COURSE could not have been induced by this exact string of conversations...

Mommy: Neya, Carina, while I am at work DO NOT put the hamster in its ball, you wait till I get home so I can make sure you don't scare him to bad...

N & C: Okay mom, we won't...we PROMISE

Mommy: *walks in the door from work* Hey was the...HEY! What is the ball doing out?!?

N & C: OH, well just looked like he wanted to play so we took him out..he had lots of fun

Mommy: Did you chase him around..just like I told you NOT to?!?

N&C: He had so much....

Mommy: Answer the question...

N & C: Yes mom, we chased him and he ran into the cupboards, but he was having fun...

THis conversation happened two days in a row. Must have been my fault for not telling the Nanny to NOT let the girls play with him. Oh silly mommy of 10 years for thinking the kids would just listen. Hrm. Maybe next time...or not.

So we had that conversation which led to the DO NOT TOUCH THE HAMSTER talk, which led to the knock onthe neighbors door who gave him to us in the first place...

Mommy: Hi, I hate to do this to you but I think we need to give Gibby back as our kids have stressed him out so much he is losing his hair....I'm so sorry

Neighbor: Haha, no problem...not at all

THANK GAWD for the most amazing neighbor ever. She is truly a gem. I think sometimes that we have been blessed and just don't even realize it since we don't all talk that much. Kinda silly actually.

Well that is the news for this week. We had to give Gibby back but at least he went back to his original home...and we found out his actual hname was Peanut. ha. Whoops.

For Fathers Day we got RC two Candy Apples (the red ones like you get at fairs and such) and he was content. Since we did it up last weekend I am sure this was even more than he expected.

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