Friday, January 1, 2010


SO I typically just blab but here is a cute story from today...with of course Rian because well...the girls weren't around last night or much of today :)

Rian learned how to say Belly Button(for a brief moment)...EXCEPT this is how it started...and ended...

He saw me laying on the floor and lifted up my shirt to show me MY belly as we alsways show him "rian's belly". Well this led to him poking at my belly button and I kept saying BELLY BUTTON out loud as if he was deaf and was trying to read my lips. Haha. THEN he decided to say...clear as day...


Haha yep you read that right. So we of course kept saying Belly Button and when he would say "bell butt" we would chuckle and keep saying it. THEN he must have warmed up to the idea and now...he just walks around saying....


Great. What have we done.

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