Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Moved. UGH.

So we are finally moved. Lets see. The details include the following.

Friday night I got off work and actually left a little early, I was soo excited but once I got home I was soo looking forward to a nice relaxing night in Maricopa, figured I would spend one last night the Landers (the Troj fam had plans already) and so I got home, got the kids ready, looked around the house, saw it had some last minute stuff to do but I PUT IT OFF. I know I know. GASP. So not like me to NOT just do something when I see it. Anywho, I called my dad, to make sure he had gotten on the road and he had, safe and sound so off I went to the Copa.

Get out there around I dunno 6 or so and that is when the chaos began. My dad called around 7 and told me that he was going to just pick up my grandpa at 1 or 2 am and then head down and be at the house at 6 or 7! WHAT! Goodness, there went my relaxing night. I got all the kids back in the car, said our goodbyes and headed back home. UGH. I got home, packed up the last of the stuff (well that I could manage staying awake for and then I went to bed, around midnight.

WOke up at 4 am to finish the last stuff, and get the kids up, dad showed up around 630 and we packed and packed and packed and at around 1030 we were done, and finally got the cleaning part. It was sort of a funny experience. The kids were great, all things considered, but no matter how prepared I thought I was it seemed there was stuff popping up all over the place. I also waited to do the last vacuum job and mop till we were all out of the house. Apparently my GPA thought this was just to much and reminded me how I wasn't as "done" as I had said. UH. HELLO, who cleans BEFORE a ton of people walk all through the house. NOT ME. As far as the stuff popping up, I am only one person. GIVE ME A BREAK!

ANywho, we headed back to CA (Palm Springs) to cut the drive a bit short so we werent soo tired when we made the final stretch. It worked out really well actually. Got to see my GMA (she will be back down on Thursday night in Napa, and then after some grub (pizza and soda) we all called it an early night. THe first drive to Palm Springs my gpa drove with me and Rian thinking that breaking up the kids would be easiest. Yeah not so much. The girls TOTALLY save me with Rian in the back seat. 3 kids FTW. So the next day we took Carina and Dad and Gpa took Neya. Worked out REALLY well. THey said Neya was a dream and Carina helped out a ton so seems it worked out perfectly. Now if only I could get all the kids to work together nicely with no arguing every other day! Ugh, still a work in progress.

We only had to stop twice and the biggest heart attack was when we stopped to get gas in LA and paid 52 bucks to fill our tank. UGH. Talk about culture shock! I am soo used to NEVER paying more than 36. Luckily its about 60 - 70 cents cheaper here in Napa than it was there, but still, to expensive for my blood. Then again I have been here since Sunday afternoon and still am good on the quarter tank we ended the long trip on so I guess its all relative.

Now as far as adjusting. Rians room looks the most normal. I will have to post pics soon, the girls got their bunk beds up and RC and I have a super comfy bed, compared to our rock hard bed we had in AZ. I had a bit of a meltdown last night and this AM because I am a bit homesick. Odd especially since this is HOME, by all counts. I mean I grew up here and lived here for hte first 21 years of my life! Haha. AZ will always have a sepcial place in my heart though, I feel like I was able to grow up there, establish a career, become a better parent and more grounded wife and GAWD I made some REALLY good friends.

Still have yet to see friends, they all have their lives here and the friends I thought I would be excited to (by sheer fact that we used to hang all the time) I haven't really wanted to call since they have their own 'stuff' going on. I just don't want to get in the middle of it all. So, that leaves me here at home, this next month is going to be long one. Perhaps when I get back to work it won't be so bad.

Well that is it, in a shortened non dramatic way. I will post more as I am not just sitting here at the computer. THe days are full, with three kids and chores and errands and unpacking and organizing and all that jazz its been hectic! REALLY hectic! So, like always, even when I work, its a full day every day. HOwever, I am going ot make the best of this next month. BY THE WAY, I cannot get a library card until I get some mail sent here (don't have my CA license yet)...they said I can even send myself a letter. Haha, so official. Apparently it just has to have my name on it, a napa address and a postmark. Nice.

Well thats it, gotta run, the kids are hungry hungry hippos ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love you babes. Sorry we have yet to see eachother, I tried, but the sickies had us down and now work, but guess what??? TONIGHT!!!!! AND I don't work again until TUESDAY!!!! I can't imagine how you are feeling, but know that we are here for you and am SO excited you are here. Hey, I have a surprise for our big girls (Ellie and Rina) that I cannot WAIT to tell you about. It involves a very famous someone... who sings some VERY annoying songs, hehee. TOOOOO exciting! I know Rina reads your blog so I will spare the details. Thanks for picking up Elianna. See ya in a few hours. Mwwwaaahhh!



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