I never used to be a drinker. Never drank a glass of wine, didn't like it. Never drank to many margaritas or took very many shots, unless of course in great company at a celebratory type of time. NOW I sit on my couch, that we will soon be parting with and I drink a Margarita or TWO every single night. Why you ask. Well, the answer is simple. To wind down. I don't drink to get drunk, don't even get a buzz, I would far from call me an alcoholic but holy mackeral, no one ever warns you when you have three kids that its rough to do it alone. I have friends who are single mommas, whose husbands are gone for months, if not years at a time so I feel like such a wimp but GAWD...I am totally not cut out for this.
My husband has been my best friend and when I am at my worst he brings out my best. My kids ALSO seem to bring out my worst and best (at times) but mostly my worst. I think we have generally good kids. I think they are well behaved and respectful and that they can charm the pants off anyone (not literally...shush) but when it really comes down to how they are around me. THEY DRIVE ME NUTS. They constantly bicker, they push the limits and what bugs me the most, they act like crazy wild animals when it's just me as though it's funny to see me near my breaking point, in tears and wanting to throw all of them outside to sleep for the night with no blankets. Granted, in AZ it might be nice to sleep outside, but I would make it miserable. I would make them sleep with no blankets or wear sweat pants and sweatshirts. Haha. Something very torturous!
My issues are small and trivial. I mean I am probably dramatizing it, or not, but after what...6 weeks...of being alone I am going nuts. I commend all you stay at home mommies, single mommies, military mommies...or daddies...and salute you with all I have. I do not know how you do it, BUT, I tip my hat to you in the most respectful way possible.
I have sat here and listened to the following arguments over the last few weeks:
1. "mom, she took my brush" I mean...SERIOUSLY. ITS MY BRUSH...WHY CAN'T THEY SHARE!
2. "Neya, that doesn't even belong to you" Yeah this was great, it was over the broom!
3. "Rian never shares" This was just after she took ALL her toys away from him and then she wanted to play with his
4. "I want my own friends, she steals all of them" oh this was good, and it was just after complaining that she is around her friends TOO much
5. "We never get to help you around the house" Yeah. They wanted to be paid for cleaning their room that I had cleaned just the day before as opposed to actually "helping" just to help!
6. "OMG, I am NOT going out in public with you dressed like that" Uh do they just like to torture eachother and make eachother pout, have they BOTH looked in the mirror?
and tonights argument....
7. "I don't want her sleeping in my bed with me" and this is after they both insist on sleeping int he same bed, but apparently its "ALWAYYYYSSSSS" been a problem..duh..silly me!
These are the things that they just HAVE to get into it about. Most these silly arguments lead to crying, tears and then they end up doing whatever they first argued about the next day without issues. I swear. They like to see my head spin. Someone please help me. I am losing my mind!
Cheers! Drink that margarita Mama. See you in 29 days!