Saturday, May 9, 2009

Magic Bullet...

I know, that title kind of leaves some questions in your mind, but I am talking about the Magic Bullet for food. We have decided that although Rian is a little older now we wanted to try and mash up some normal foods, like steamed veggies, fresh fruit and every now and then mix up some of our yummy dinners for him and see how he does. I went to the store with the girls for groceries and in those groceries we also got some fruits and veggies. Today I only blended up two fruits but it was kind of a disaster. I tried to blend up Watermelon and Cantaloupe. Hmm, anyone who is "smart" might have known that watermelon would kind of turn into...well...water, and Cantaloupe actually did the same thing. haha.

Lucky for Rian, mom put on her thinking cap and we froze it, so now on our super hot days when the girls are enjoying popsicles he can enjoy frozen fruits. Yummy. Just like those popsicles with the "real chunks" of fruit. Hehe.

However, we did do one good thing and tonight we had Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Corn and mommy mushed some of that up for him to, he LOVED it. So we made an extra batch and will give it to him tomorrow as well for lunch or dinner. What a lucky guy.

Tomorrow is Mothers Day and the kids and I will enjoy the day without daddy then spend the evening once he's off as a family. Should be fun, I am very excited...

That's all for now, hopefully you Mom's who follow this post have a GREAT MOTHERS DAY...(especially you Mrs. Snook!!!)



  1. Yiiiippppeeee a blog! So excited!!!!

  2. Hehe I know! Now I just gotta start to follow other cool people! hehe. Blogs are sooo much more addicting than Facebook or Myspace. LOL.



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