Monday, November 5, 2012

Ramble Much?!?

Okay so you guys are not strangers to the fact that we here at the HernandezClan are extremely busy and just going going going from the moment our feet hit the ground till the moment we are back in bed. Even sometimes as we lay in bed we can't even shut our 'parent' brains off and we are summarizing chores and how to make the week less chaotic. Man! Its a never ending job. The other downside to this is that I also haven't really been able to blog about our lives and actually give you guys any substance outside of the countless numbers of pictures I have been posting. Which...let's be probably more exciting than me rambling anyways!

Well...on that note here is a more detailed update on what has been going on in our lives...

RC has opened up a new location (or two...seriously...who can even keep count...on FIRE!) and they are going...well...okay. I mean...its had some rough patches. One of the locations is just not winning any of the employees over and that makes it really difficult. You can't always have great washes...but you should try to make the best of the washes you have. At some point I am sure it will all break even as he and the owner are really making a go of it, I just wish it wasn't cutting it so close to winter. Gotta love the months that we struggle the most but if we have learned anything its to really just rely on my income. Sometimes we think that staying home is a better option given how much time he really should be devoting to this business but lets face it. Im a little to independent to give up that easily on my career. I love my kids but we only have two years left till school starts and with my new job it just seems crazy...but more than that...I move on to my next topic of wasted banter to myself on my blog that only I read...yes. Can you really tell now that it's been a while since I vented!!!

Okay. Next topic!!! I was reading a book today on my lunch and there was a family who adored one another...a dad who worked lots of hours and traveled and a stay at home mommy. Now I found it funny that obviously I related more to the working dad and very oddly did not relate to the stay at home mom. However....and this is not up for discussion here...just my own thoughts...BUT....HOLY CRAP...stay at home moms. You win. I know there are many discussions on the topic of who works harder..."SAHM vs. Working Mom" and win. To prove my point and also basing it solely on my relation to this working dad in the book he said it perfectly...

"He gets to have some downtime, lie by swimming pools with the papers and some great music playing through his earplugs—with no small people tugging on his arm, demanding he play a game, or throw a ball, or just give them some attention, any kind of attention, please."

Now obviously I don't travel a ton or anything like that gentleman in the book but what I do get is this...ability to eat my lunch uninterrupted, take my shower in the wee hours of the morning uninterrupted, drive for 3 hours each day and listen to my music and call whomever I want without that being the kids queue to interrupt me and because of all of matter how hard I may use my brain or how often I may be out of the house, those stay at homes....they are much more the hero than I am, for they do the job that I couldn't even begin to handle. Applause to you SAHM's...however please feel free to applause back when I am at home and doing laundry and dishes and all that jazz because well...I may not be as strong as you guys...but I am much stronger than some who would much rather just sit on the couch and say "well I work...bring me a beer". Hehe. about well...useless stuff that is not going to be followed by pics! Recently we took family pics. We had Dusty's family down and I wanted some pics mostly with her kid and them as we NEVER see eachother and it turned into generation pics and some akward moments when we realized that because we were so focused on us we did leave out a sibling...but much like my own siblings...sometimes you can't just have everyone there at the same time and sometimes its not worth the costly reschedule. Sounds mean butttttt the next time we take pics and he is there he will thank us for it...for not putting him through this more than we need to. Lets face it...we had 40 minutes of posing, acting like fools to get kids to take pics, grinning till our cheeks hurt, getting slapped by our kids as we had to hold them still (mostly Collin just wanted his newly found tennis ball or little nuts that fell off the nearby trees) or you had siblings (my kids) arguing about who stood on the stool that actually the photographer was to use...I mean...HONESTLY....KIDS....DO YOU NOT SEE THE NICE LADY WITH THE CAMERA...SHUT UP AND SMILE!!!! Okay it really wasn't as terrible as I am explaining (yes it was...) but it was totally worth it. We got some really great pics and I am excited to give the final products to both grandparents (grandpa got his for his b-day). More than that we were able to capture pics with my hubbies grandma, and I dont want to get all weird...but if I have learned anything these last few months its to seriously treasure the moments you have. To lock them in a bottle. To capture them in a pic. To appreciate them with every ounce of your being. You just never ever know when they might not be possible again.

Well. Hrm. That went a little depressing. Back to reality here people!! Snap out of it. Did I mention that I have started to make cakes. Well of course, but did I mention that I actually made money for it!! Yep thats right! I got my first order and my first paycheck. Woohoo! I made a cake for the VHS Water Polo Team and it was soo much fun. It was a simpler cake than I am used to...but it was very personal and finally not a cake for a birthday. Although I do love them...all of them...I think more unique ones are even more fun! It feels like a dream and I know I won't turn it into much but it is nice to know that people think my hobby is worth something more than just my time. Very cool indeed. I also have fancy business cards and honestly...that is awesome! I feel so official.

Hmm. I think thats really all the catching up we can do that you haven't actually seen in pics just yet and I hope that you know that if any of you still are checking this blog out that I completely appreciate it!

Till next time....

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