Thursday, March 11, 2010


"Rudy Hernandez thinks that every once in a while your partner should leave for a week so you can really appreciate how great you work as a team"

That is a little quote my hubby put up on Facebook, and I though, ya know, he is TOTALLY right. You never realize how much you lean on one another until that person is gone on a trip or even sometimes working a really long 7 day 13-16 hour a day work week. You miss the way you guys gel together and how everything seems so seamless and easy.

For RC and I we are NOT the perfect couple, we still have little arguments (some bigger than others) and we still have little things that drive one another crazy, like how I can be looking at him but not ACTUALLY hear anything he is saying, or how I can zone out and not hear the kids whining and crying but the second I DO hear them and he isn't reacting I get flustered, and likewise it drives me crazy that the garbage can pile up and until he sees me grab a garbage bag does he bother to take it out or until I start to bring up bathtime does he remember we have a 7pm routine for the kids getting baths (even if its 8pm when I remember) haha.

It is all the little things that make you appreciate one another and RC has decided to see what it may take to start his own business and with that said it will cause him to travel more, while I ALSO travel more and although one or the other will always be home it will lead to more "do it yourself" time with the kids and I think as opposed to make us weaker, it will make us stronger. I hope anyways. So if I come on here and am having a total ranting and raving moment about how life is horrible and such, I will just remember, it will get easier and somewhere out there a person has it TEN gazillion times worse. I mean. Shoot, I have seen Nanny 911 and Super Nanny, I know we are NOT that bad off. Haha. Our kids may only dislike eating any food at all that doesn't contain sugar (This is Neya I speak of) or they may have boyfriends at a young age, ugh (Carina I speak of) or they may even decide to have learned how to say NO in the absolute right context and USE IT at every chance they get (I speak of Rian haha) but at the end of the day they aren't hitting me, cursing at me or spitting on me and ya know, I have Super Nanny and Nanny 911 to thank for showing me, the grass AIN'T always greener :)

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