Friday, June 10, 2011

Graduation and a Game!

It is hard to believe that just 11 short years ago I was holding my baby girl in my arms wondering how on earth such an amazing little being could have come from me. She was an 8lb 10 oz ball of love and I knew right then and there I wouldn't trade her in for the world. Now, 11 years later, I sometimes watch her roll her eyes at me, I hear me yelling at the top of my lungs how disrespectful she is or giggle at how she slumps her shoulders when she doesn't get her way or how she so smoothly loves me all the sudden when we walk into any store...and I mean ANY store, hello did you know that kids even love to ask for stuff at OSH. Weird. Either way, at the end of the day she is my baby, will always be my baby. She has truly grown up into a great little girl and to see her at her graduation so proud and so darn smart I was amazed. I am amazed still that that little being, could have come from me!

Throughout this year she had to start a new school, she had to make new friends, lose some of those new friends and start all over. She learned that drama is everywhere at this age and that it's not always the hottest guy in the schoolyard that will be the nicest when you're down in the dumps. She learned to stay true to herself, she learned how she doesn't want to do drugs and she learned that middle school is a whole new world and that she isn't quite sure she is ready for it.

As she continues to mature I hope she learns that money doesn't buy happiness, that the coolest jeans don't make you the most popular and that being rude to your parents, your friends, strangers or ANYONE doesn't make you 'cool' and won't earn you friends. I hope that she learns that she paves her own path and that she can't have anyone do it for her and that she grows up to be a leader not a follower. I hope that she realizes that life is exciting and to not take every little thing so personal and that sometimes shrugging your shoulders and saying 'whatever' is the easiest thing to do in a not so great situation..becuase you can't change the past you can only make a better future.

What she grows up to be, whoever she grows up to be I mostly hope that she knows that we are here for her, we love her and although we will not agree with every decision, every friend, every boyfriend and every bad grade we will love and support her to the end.

Carina we are so very proud of you and the little woman you have become and now that you are going into middle can finally shave your legs!


At Carina's graduation they played a video of all the kids from baby to who they are now which made me cry. They gave awards and Carina, unbeknownst to us all received an award. She got the Gold Presidents Education Award which meant that she not only met the requirements for her age/grade, it means she went above and beyond with other academic achievements and for that they rewarded her a 'signed' award from Barack Obama along with a little pin. So cute. We got there late so I had to stand in the back but ya know, its okay...better than standing in the front and having angry parents yell at me. haha. We got pics of course and although her Nana had to leave early what she said before she went really made me smile and feel proud. She told ME 'thank you for doing such an amazing job'. Me. A mom, and doing an amazing job. I owe my life to Carina because without her I wouldn't be the amazing mom that folks like to believe I am. Although she came earlier than we had all hoped she helped me to become the person I am today and every birthday, every graduation and every moment she isn't being a bratty tween I will remind her of this. She is great, I wouldn't ever go back and say that I would have done my life different and I hope that as she gets older she makes wise decision but can also say that when she is an adult.

Wednesday the entire 5th grade had a 'graduation' field trip to an SF Giants game. Not much to report there, kids were kids, Carina walked around with her friends, it was sort of freezing but sunny (weird) and I dragged Lauren along since I had an extra ticket and RC had to work. It was fun all around, but I will let the pics get posted because was a Giants game, we had fun, ate yummy ballpark food. I mean...does anything more really need to be said ;)

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