So anywho. Onto my fabulous Birthday! I have got to first say I am certain I have the best husband ever. In the 8 years we have been together (FYI I was always off by a year when I referenced us before) I have never really had a great birthday, although I do recall one birthday weekend where my friend/coworker and a few other folks took me out and we had a blast. We even ended up, grocery cart racing at 2am, hopping fences and swimming in a pool with all our clothes on, reaking pure blissful havoc. Oh those were the good ol' days. When we were young :) But anywho, my hubby wasn't even around last year for my birthday as he was in CA already and I was alone in AZ. The friends were good hubby replacements as they took me to Hooters, got me cupcakes and put huge smiles on my face. But I had treated myself and the kiddos to dinner and went home to only a face on a PC screen. Well, this year, he completely made up for it and then some.
It all started a couple weeks ago I do believe he started poking and prodding questions out of me, and was asking places I'd like to eat, things I would like to do and I didn't really even think to much of it. Then as my birthday got closer and closer he was plotting, I could tell. The friends started to ask questions, I could feel a sense of "excitement" in the air. From myself only of course, cause I was psyching myself out. haha. I didn't know when he had the time to plan much of anything but boy did he pull it up. Here is the run down of my weekend...
Friday morning was my BIRTHDAY!! WOOT WOOT. I was kinda nervous and trying not to get to excited but hey. Who doesn't! I woke up, took my shower, he was asleep, didn't say a peep. I got out of the shower, he was making lunches, the kids were awake and NO ONE said a peep to me! What the heck, did they forget from the time they went to bed until now. I mean HELLO I only mentioned it about a billion times! I got dressed, did my hair and finally Neya and Carina came in and said happy birthday, phew, but the husband. Still nothing. He did get the boy ready, and did do all the morning routines so hey, who can complain. UNTIL I walked out to the kitchen and BAM! THere was a balloon bouquet, cards (one from him and one from the kids) and there was a little gift bag. Well, that to me was the perfect start. In the gift bag was a sweet decorative Martini Glass. It had cakes all over it. Gotta love birthday cake ;) He said happy birthday, we got some pics on (only on my cell phone though) and off I went to work with a smile on my face.

Lunch time rolls around and me and Melody hit up my fave place, well really our fave place, heck, who am I kidding, LOTS of peoples favorite place, Taqueria Rosita and she treated me to a lunch. She had her little man Teagen who wasn't feeling very good but he did give me a few big smiles and although he had a nasty cough and was keeping mommy very worried he certainly added to the birthday happiness :)We had full tummies, I got to give her the CD with all Peytens 6th birthday pics on it and at the end Teagen even left me with a little gift. I got a nice wet butt from sitting on a pack of wipes while patting his back and breaking up some flem. Haha. That's what I get for helping him out! Hehe.

That afternoon I got to leave work a bit early thanks to my fabulous co-workers and head off to do some shopping. I got to the store with Rian around 3 and wouldn't ya know, Grandpa Rich (my lil bro's dad) showed up with my sister, her girlfriend and my little bro a bit earlier than expected and met me there. I got a cute dress (very grown up and respectable) and even bought some nylons which I hated but hey, a girl has to stay warm!

We all headed up the hill, after catching some grief from Carina as she wasn't able to go to dinner but now Richie was, got reshowered, let the dog out to pee, cleaned up a bit (myself, not the house haha) and headed out. We dropped Rian off at my parents, in fact their were two reasons I didn't take my kids.
1. I have picky kids. I may not have known where we were going to dinner but I know they probably didn't serve chicken nuggets and fries.
2. I wanted a night with no responsibility. See, taking my bro was one thing, he had his dad there, his other sister there and lots of other grown adults to keep him in line which meant I didn't have a thing to worry about, if I had taken my kids, even Carina I would have most likely dealt with pickiness, attitude and at some point a meltdown of how bored she was.
Anywho, we all met up with RC at his dads house, and also met Lauren there, she was heading out with us. She got me the prettiest flowers and I had NO vase to put them in when I got home so guess what. I cut off the top off a 2 liter bottle and stuck them in there. Yeah, thats me, pure class. Haha. OFf we went to dinner. RC FINALLY caved and told me where we were headed and it was to the one place I was certain he would never take me! The Melting Pot! YAY! RC isn't a big fan of melted gooey choose nor is he a fan of chocolate so I assumed we would somewhere different, but apparently he was sticking to the plan of making this day all about me. Have I mentioned I love that man!
We got to dinner, had a bit of a wait but we had now added three more folks to our party and had a total of 10! Yes, 10 folks at a super yummy place. MMM. RC's bro, his woman and his son all showed up. They were so sweet, even got me a Macy's gift card! Yay me! We had a little wait till our table was open, we got a drink and then sat and began our meal. I won't go over all the details but I will say that you go in thinking its one thing and it's totally different. You basically cook your entire meal and it couldn't have been better. It was really great and I am hoping all the folks that attended had a blast. I have some pics of the food, the cooking pot and the dessert and of course any other rare photo ops I could snag. I had a great time and I am glad that RC kept it a secret. I am glad I got dressed up and I am even more glad I spent it with such a great group of people!

Saturday was kind of odd. We woke up a bit late (830) and made breakfast, got ready and went to grab the kiddos from my parents. The original plan the prior week was to go to the Zoo but the weather had different plans. We ended up deciding on bowling but wouldn't ya know, the one place in town was PACKED and had a huge wait. We decided to go eat lunch at Mary's (Yummy) and head back later where they were STILL packed. SO we played some video games, some air hockey, won some candy and then just as we were going to leave they had (of course) some lanes open. RC and I left the older kids to bowl with Rich and off we went to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for a get together at The Snook House. We got there and the Wendts were there and we were able to get in some chit chat time. This whole dinner was just for me and I loved it! I have the best friends and even though they couldn't be at dinner Friday night they made it a point to have us over. How sweet. Heather even brought me cheesecake!!! OMG. I couldn't even decide on what kind to have so I had a piece of each. Haha. We had big plans, karaoke, some board games, anythnig really and we ended up doing none of it. Life has been busy for each of our families and I think once we all had really full bellies (with delicious enchiladas) we got a bit tired and decided to call it a night. I had a blast either way and always enjoy spending time with great folks. Thanks again Tiff and Heather for making my night extra special.
Sunday was kind of sad, we had to say goodbye to Rich, Amy, Leila and Richie but before we did that we picked out some baby shower invites for our sister Ashley, made some belgian waffles and lazed about, even if only for a bit. We said our goodbyes, made some plans to visit again (maybe next time we can make it to the zoo) and off they went into the rain, in record time I might add. The rest of the day we ran errands, got gas, grocery shopped, and came home and lazed about after grubbing on some yummy tacos.
We had originally invited my parents up to come for dinner since I was kinda bummed I didn't see much of them my birthday weekend (although they did give me an awesome present...a gift card to the outlets!) and so we invited them up for Tacos. We got all excited, cleaned up the house after we got back from running errands and even gave Chloe a bath so that 'grandma and grandpa' met her when she was so fresh and so clean clean. Hehe. Well they ended up getting a text about my cousin Martina's recital they had agreed to go to and ended up having to cancel on us (sad) but at least we got a bath in! Chloe was not a fan but hey, what dog likes baths the first go round, I think she will get used to it! At least she is small enough to do it in the tub and doesn't need to go outside and get squirted by cold hose water!
Before: When she still loved me
During: When all she wanted to do was escape that terrible white water bowl!
After: When she wanted to jump out of my arms from disliking me so much
This birthday weekend, although minus my AZ friends, was great. It was low key, it was special and it was more importantly ALL ABOUT ME! Haha.
Thank you all for making it soo special you have no idea how much I appreciate it!
Didn't want to bloat the Blog withh a bunch of food pics right smack dab in the middle (lord knows I alread have enough people pics) but I can't help but post these so you can see the yummy food we scarfed down on Friday night :)
What a fun 29th birthday bash! Looks like you had a great time with your loved ones! They did a great job on your special day!