The girls are on summer vacation which started last Friday and already they are telling me stories of how bored they are. I have hopes to get them into the boys and girls club starting in a week for at least 2 days a week, I have a friend taking them to her house for half a day, twice a week for swimming, and at least one day a week RC will have off so he can keep them on those days. Not to mention a trip to the water park, a trip to Disneyland and if all goes as planned a trip to Arizona to say hello to all our friends. All in all I think it will turn out just fine, and I hope they don't get too bored over the next 8 really long, and utterly 'jam packed' weeks.
This last weekend was fun. My little 'big' bro (he is like a foot taller than me) is turning 21 on the 18th of this month and since he is all responsible and what not he got a job for the summer off from college and won't be able to be with us his birthday weekend, instead he will be working and of course having a college style 21st b-day with all his buddies. Of course. However being the great fam we are we got together, gave him a good yummy steak dinner, some sweet gifts (mostly containing alcohol) and my mom was soo kind as to buy him the manliest cake she could find at Costco. And by Manly I mean super ultra girly. All in all I think he had a good night but man it makes me sad to think he is already 21. I remember the days when he used to play with his dinosaurs and watch Fantasia on permanent repeat.
Either way. Happy Birthday Gabriel Dante Peralez. I heart you with all my 5 foot 1.5 inches (that sounds TERRIBLE) and I hope you have a fabulous 21st birthday that with any luck you don't remember :)
Okay well that was Saturday. Now onto Sunday. We get bored up at the house and I don't always have a million free hours but the kids do get bored so early sunday (like 11am) we headed down the hill. We got groceries, got gas (not the eat your magical beans kind), got lunch and then got a little pool for the kids. We ended up meeting up with Carina's Nana on our way back up the hill as her Aunt was having a suprise party but eiter way once we got up the hill we blew up a little pool and threw it on the deck as our lawn is way to non level, dragged the hose through the house (man next time I will get a pic of that) turned it on and filled it up. Now I say we pulled the hose through the house but picture this (since of COURSE I didnt get a pic of my ghettoness) the gray garden hose laying across our floor, carpet, linoleum, over our chairs and table and into the pool where I taped it to the edge to fill up so I didnt have to stand there the whole time. Yeah it was a site...but after only 23 minutes the pool was full and the kids were having a blast. This weekend I shall buy me saw of those sweet trifold plastic chairs that your butt falls through so that I can get a good tan while the kids splash around like fools. Hehe.

On a completely different note, remember how a couple posts back I mentioned how our garden was put in and we would see how crappy our non existent green thumbs were. Well yesterday I noticed that it had been two days since we watered our lawn and the damn plants were all shriveled from the heat, but we promptly watered them and hopefull I find them today not dieing of thirst. HOWEVER the one thing that did live and stayed perky were the strawberry plants that Carina planted. How cool is it to see your little flower buds turn into itty bitty strawberries. SUPER cool. So what did I do. Well, the same thing any other camera crazed person would do! I TOOK PICS! BUT I will only post the one and you can ooh and aww at our amazing strawberries, or rather, Carina's amazing strawberries because so far I have nearly killed all my other flowers. I can't even blame the deer for eating them because they don't, probably becuase they are thinking...
"This woman...planting flowers to mock our appetites and then she kills them...well we will show her...we won't eat them so she can only blame their death on herself and her crappy green thumb!!"
Yep I am certain that is what our neighborhood deer are saying. Well phooey on them, I missed one day. They will come back to life, don't you worry!
And to end this sweet post, here are some clips of my kids singing and being all around weird. Rian had no idea I was recording him and the songs of choice are...
"I'm a little teapot" or as he says it "I'm a little teapop shot and spip" and one that he made up that I will name...."Stop Stop STOPPPPPP" I think he may have been talking about my driving but who knows. and then of course sweet little devil child Neya dancing to none other than Justin Bieber. Just when I want to strangle this kid she goes and does something cute. ugh.
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