Friday night my cousins fam came over and spent the night. We live in a pretty small house and we each have a good amount of kids. Total we had 7 kids and 4 adults in our house, no to mention the puppy and the kitty. It was a full casa but honestly, it didn't even feel that bad. It was homie and we all got to chit chat and hang out and it was fun. It also happened to be Alexis' (my cousins daughter) 12th birthday and it has been a while since we were able to celebrate with her so we made her cupcakes, got her a little gift, the girls had made a sign for the door and it was good times. We stayed up WAY to late, we had kids that stayed up WAY to late, we woke up Saturday morning, made breakfast, had the kids play in our little pool on the patio and we just hung out till late afternoon. I did have an invite to hang out at R-Ranch with my faves the Snooks, but family is family and well, we had a great time time Oah and DayDay, next time!
Now then you fast forward to what the girls would call Fathers Day Weekend as opposed to just the day. They insisted we make a dinner for him or take him out and the plan initially was to go out to Red Lobster but that fell through so instead we made him dinner! I made him some of his faves and of course he loved it. We even bought him Cherry Pepsi. Now I have been trying to be good but this last week I have literally fallen off the excercise wagon and I feel terrible. Nothing like putting on your fave jeans and feeling like that work you just did for two weeks has now been negated due to the consumption of cupcakes, candy, soda and all those other glorious things that stick straight to your thighs and in my case cause cellulite. I know, seriously terrible mental image. Ugh. Anywho. Anything for my hubby! Haha. We were low key, we got him a movie he had been asking for and we got him a pair of board shorts for the boat that actually reach his knees (some of his other ones are TERRIBLY short) and we ultimately had a sweet lowkey Saturday night. Sunday morning Carina and I woke up bright and early. I made cinnamon rolls (per the girls request for their daddy) and Carina went out and decorated the car he was to drive for the day. We had hopes in bring my dads old school boat up the hill but that feel will be up at the house soon enough and we will be mashin' the 1972 disco boat through the lake! We had to say our goodbyes to RC though as he had to work the first half of the day (boooooo) and we headed down to go to breakfast with my dad and mom to celebrate Fathers day with Grandpa :) AND NOOOO I did not eat a cinnamon roll then head to breakfast...I went to breakfast and ate a cinnamon roll after dinner. haha. We went to breakfast with my dad, then the girls and I got one last little gift for RC and then we headed back to my parents where we worked on the boat seats a bit. After that we went to a late lunch/early dinner at Taqueria Rosita with my mom and dad, our fam and RC's bro Rico and his lady. It was fun. We had a blast and we also took up half the darn restaurant.
After that long day we went home, gave RC his last gift, its a sighn that says 'Dads Office' and we hung it on the bathroom door in our Master Bedroom. If you know my husband at all it fits perfectly. Haha. He loved it, we got all the kids in bed and watched a movie and had popcorn and called it another late night. Ugh.This fathers day was low key and I just wish our life wasn't so crazy with RC's new work schedule. Its gotta be the biggest downfall to having him work a 'real' job again.

On a totally unrelated note, the dog is doing decently with the potty training but is still getting carsick. We still can't take her much of anywhere for fear of Parvo and its seriously killing our summer camping plans and such. Oh well. RC and I are also having some withdrawls from one another. I didn't realize how much I began to like his schedule but not being able to see him on a regular basis or rely on him for help wtih the kids or even just as a sanity break is proving to be difficult. I know its just a rough spot but I tell ya, I dont know how those families that have two work crazed parents work. I miss my hubby and our family time, I don't know how anyone else wouldn't miss the same things. I have also decided that all the after school type of things that little girls can do (like dance or gymnastics) must assume that there is a stay at home parent in the mix. Seriously. When it comes to sports they are conciuos of the work schedule but when it comes to the "The Performing Arts" type of stuff they must assume that a dedicated mom or dad stays at home and only tends to the needs of their aspiring performer. I mean, I work. I was at one point a single mom, I cant just leave at the drop off a hat but we got the new class schedule for Neya and Carina (if she decides to dance instead of do softball) and the classes each start at 340. Uh. Hello Dance people. What working parent can take their kid to 2 classes each week (4 in my case) at 340 each day. I mean seriously. My kids are my life but I also need my income. NO way that is going to be doable without making my boss totally question my committment to my job. I would have to leave work each day at 3pm. Which means I would only work a 7.5 hour day (if I didnt take a lunch) because due to RC's work schedule I have to take Rian to school and that doesnt open until 7am. Ugh. This dance class is great but the girls may not have a choice and they may have to quit dance if I can't figure out someway to not have to take them each day. Blah.
Clearly we still have tons going on and this week is no exception. We have 2 dress rehearsals for Neya, Cars 2 comes out, dance recitals Saturday and Sunday and at some point I think I need to breathe and just take some me time. Maybe. The girls were going to do a sleepover as well (not at our house thank goodness) but with our schedule I am not even sure that is doable. I know Parenting is said to be one of the most challening yet also the most rewarding jobs ever but uhm...I could sure use some rewarding these days. How about a nice kid free vacation to some exotic beach! Dreams. I can have dreams but only day day dreams because we all know moms give up sleep to happily fold laundry and do dishes late at night :)
OH and as I was finding pics to upload I found this pic of Rian that I must have taken randomly. I guess when I say where is my reward, its sweet random pics of nothing in particular that are the reward. They make my heart smile.
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