However let me first take some time to say that I am such a lucky girl. I have so many family members and friends that I get to enjoy who have put their family time and lives on the line for us and all we have as Americans. No matter what their job, their role or their time served they will always have my respect, love and admiration. Thank you everyone for standing up for this great country!
Okay now back to what I did (which I may add is not nearly as respectable as those soldiers who we have loved, lost and celebrated...)
So to catch up on things. RC has taken on a second job, which isn't really a second job as it is during the same hours that his company runs and doesnt take "technically" any extra time from his day to day functions as dad/husband. However, this does mean that he has other commitments on the weekends so he can't just take a "day off" just because he feels like it which means that I have to tend to the kids every day, including weekends by myself, just like when he was at the carwash. The reason for the second job is mostly just cause he was bored and we have other obligations we want to knock out financially while we have the ability and ease to do so seeing as his other company sort of runs itself :)
NOW, in Arizona it didn't seem to make a difference. I had tons of friends who were always down to meet for lunch, an impromptu trip to the park, zoo, movie etc but here, here it is soo much different. Everyone is soo busy that if I don't pencil myself into their schedules at least 3 weeks in advance my weekends are destined for solitude (well with the kids) and sadly it bums me out and makes me want to just veg out which sucks for the kids. So this weekend was my last weekend that I will laze about feeling sorry for myself. I will get off my rump and start taking charge!
Now...onto the details. Saturday. Boring. We took the dog for her 2nd parvo vaccine where the vet scared me out of taking her ANYWHERE. I swear, when kids get vaccines you were worry about what might make them autistic, what might make them sick, what string of vaccines will work best or worst, but when you have a dog you get told that your dog may kick the bucket without these shots if she so much as sets foot on a lawn or sidewalk that isn't yours and that hasn't been sanitized with clorox and had all other dogs, animals and humans kept off of it. I know that sounds dramatic but seriously. The vet seriously told me. Parvo is terrible. Your dog could walk on the sidewalk. Lick its paw. Catch Parvo and be dead in a week. Oh. Em. Gee. Yes I was terrified. It worked. THen I felt bad for Sophie and Charlie cause we never took them to the vet and cared for them completly properly. Man, good thing we found them good homes to go to! Either way she did great, got carsick on the way up and down the hill but I learned from Tiff that maybe Ginger Snap cookies work. Who knows, we are willing to try anything at this point cause its GROSS.
After the shots we drove around, got a gift for Peyten, got Carina a graduation dress (which hello she is grown enough to shop in the Juniors section now! So sad!) AND we did some minor grocery shopping. All in all it was a good day but uneventful. I contemplated stopping by my parents but they were both out. Man what a sad life you live when even your parents have more plans than you do! Ugh.
Sunday we went to Peytens birthday party where the kids had a blast. I was thinking that I have known this kid since the day he was born and never been to a bday party for him. Well I made up for it as soon as the I was around for one and off I went to enjoy the festivities. I even picked up the cake so ya know he was excited to see me! The good thing was that I was at his birth so hopefully he will forgive me as the years go on. Rian braved getting in the pool but it made me realize that I seriously need to consider some swim lessons. If for any reason, just my own sanity! No joke. I was on pins and needles and finally just had him get out because it was all just stressing me out to much. He was fine, he knows his limits and he even kicked in the water but still this worried momma was not able to sit. We opened presents, grubbed on food, had cake, ate lots of junk food, swam, jumped on the trampoline. All in all it was a great day oh and did I mention I got a baby fix. I got to hold precious little Teagen and although he will not sleep for momma I did get a rare two minutes where he slept peacefully in my arms. Yes I took pics.
**Funny yet annoying story for the weekend. I have been REALLY good about making sure I have everything packed and loaded and double checked and so on. Now we always have the diaper bag in the car ready and full of what we would need in any typical day just in case we go to dinner or a friends after work and don't want to drive all the way back up the hill. Well today was no different. Started with a checklist, made a swim party bag, loaded the gift, extra clothes, diaper bag with EXTRA diapers and swim diapers, had Carina's bags packed as she was going to a friends to do a report and then head to her Nanas, had snacks packed for the drive down and the dog was taken out and then kenneled back up after her "time". I felt really good about it all then I realized I had a TON of bags and was going to consolidate. Got the kids in the car, grabbed the bags, ran in the house, threw all our junk in one bag, made one last pit stop at the restroom (even moms need potty breaks here and there) and then ran out the door. Picked up the cake, got to Melodys house EARLY and was soo proud of myself. WELL until I realized when I went to drop off the cake and Neya (had to run Carina to her friends) that I forgot the damn bag on the chair where I consolidated...all the way up the hill 1.5 hours away (round trip). So what happened you ask. I didn't run home but Neya and Rian both got new swim suits and i had to purchase a fresh pack of diapers and wipes for Rian as well via a quick trip to Target. UGH! Then you would think I learned my lesson but NOPE. Monday when we came down the hill, I left my damn money on the dresser in my bedroom after thinking to myself...oh gee, put that in your purse! UGHHHHH. How frustrating. Hope you are laughing. I am not. ***
Monday. We saw Kung Fu Panda. It was good, Rian got bored and Neya jabbered and laughed loudly at all the funny parts. Carina was with her Nana (she actually was there since Sunday afternoon). I was alone and I even bbq'd and at alone as RC had prior engagements for his brother. It was sort of depressing, there were no big bbq's to go to, no friends around and no nothing really but hey, it was quiet and after some of the crazy weekends we have had, I will take it! Hehe.
So without further delay here are some of the cutest pics from Peyten's 6th Birthday Party! Enjoy!

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