Friday I was on the road for work, not far, just local in Healdsburg but still, I hate to be on the road on Fridays. So I drove there and got home early enough to grab Rian and get some mommy/son time before I had to head up the hill to the girls. They decided they didn't want to come down that day. Poor them because I decided to take Rian to go see Cars 2 and he loved it. I think I heard about a million times about how "this was the coolest movie ever" and although he didn't sit the whole movie, he watched the entire thing. He only got up to play with his cars as the movie progressed. Kinda Funny. We were going to go with Matt and Xander when we were in AZ but with my crazy work schedule I am not sure when that will be :( Not to mention Rian never gets one on one time at the movies, he always has to share his time with the girls!

After the movie we headed to the store to get some last minute things and what do you know! They had 2 race cars there with simulation driver machines. So of course we took advantage and had Rian take some pics. He looks so serious or upset but its funny cause he was just mad that I wouldnt let him touch, get inside of or drive the cars. haha. What a funny kid. While were there we also got him two new Cars characters to add to his collection. He is funny because although the new racecar in the movie is named 'Francesco' he insists on calling it 'The new Lighting McQueen'. Guess he just wants everything cool to be Lightning!

ALSO while we were there Carina kept texting me over and over again to buy her a razor. HELLO She is only 11, why on earth would she want a razor. She says its to get ready for middle school and not go in with hairy legs (sorry if this is TMI) but really I think its so that she can strip any little morsel of her childhood away from me quicker than I would like. I mean, she didn't even know I was GOING to the store and she was asking me to buy her something. So what did I do. I bought it for her. NOT because I want her to grow up to soon but because I want her to understand. If mom says wait, you should listen. So I go home, with the razor in hand, tell her I didnt buy it, watched her get all bummed and shoulders all slumped from dissappointment (I know, evil mom) then I pulled it out and she just about fell over backwards, not to mention left me nearly deaf from screaming. I told her not that night, I felt like doing nothing so instead I let her do it the next day. It took a solid hour for ONE LEG! Ugh. She was super nervous, with reason I suppose and then onto the second leg while I showered and prepared for Neya's Recital. Needless to say the outcome was of course, monumental for her and sad for me. I guess all kids have to grow up at some point and very rarely is it at the same time that parents are ready for it.

THe rest of the weekend was filled with driving here and there to get Neya to her first recital! This weekend she had two recitals, same thing, but on two different days. It was great and she did soo good. I mean, I am not dancer and cannot begin to critique but she looked great and thats really all that matters. hehe. Saturday, my parents, my little bro, his GF, our little fam and RC's mom and grandma showed up. We took up only half a row so I guess it wasn't that bad. Sunday were weren't going to go at all, but she was kinda bummed that only dad was going (he didnt make it Saturday due to work) so Grandma Jackie, me, Carina, Rian and even Tiffany showed up on Sunday. She was less nervous and she did even better. I got two videos, but the second days one will have to wait because I dont have the connecter for my phone. THe first one was from our camera and of course, she is the cutest one in the line :)All in all the total of 7 hours we sat in seats waiting for her to perform for a mere 4-5 minutes was totally worth it and I will gladly do it all over again next semester.
I get a whole 5 weeks off right now with no softball, no dance and no real plans outside of enjoying our summer weekends! Come August I will be greatful for the rest though because BOTH girls have let me know they want to do dance. THey will each be doing 2 nights of dance and so far it doesnt look like ANY of the nights are the same! If someone is trying to get me to really hate the fact that we moved up the hill, it is slowly working! I love the hill, love the calm and quiet but I hate that I cant go home during this time to throw a load of laundry in and then get back to pick them up or cant go home, throw grub in a crock pot and head back to pick them up. Lesson learned though, on these days I just make sure that I make a list of anything we need at the house and run my chores at that time. Either way so far I am not tooo worn out from all the driving but I fear our kids crazy schedules may be the deciding factor on whether or not we go another year up the 'hill'. BOOO.
Day 1 Recital
Day 2 Recital
And when Neya looked really closely at her roses she noticed one had a little slice in it in the shape of an 'L'. She thought this was oober cool so I tried to take a pic so she could see and thought, hey, maybe my blog readers would think this was kinda cute to :) If you can't see it please don't blame it on my crappy photography skills :)
Video of Neya's Recital
And to end this post a hilarious pic of our little man :) I guess this is what happens when your your third kid is a boy who is only around his older sisters and all their little girly friends :)

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