I have a lot going on and on my weekends with the kids sometimes I forget to just let loose and have some fun or I am to worried about finances, time, laundry, chores, and my sanity to really entertain the kids to the fullest extent. Luckily they have the best dad ever. He may not always fold the laundry quick enough, do the dishes just right, help out but when it comes to the kiddos (bathtime sometimes gets missed) but he always steps up at the best times for the kids, even if he would rather be taking a nap. His last day off he took the girls to see a movie and headed to the mall for daddy daughter time and they raved about it for three days straight and this last Tuesday he had another day off and he braved the lake with all three of the kiddos. They all had a blast and I just have to say, I am super lucky to have been blessed with such a great daddy for our kiddos.

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