We are in May and we are still having Hail and crazy cold weather. What is up! I have half a mind to retreat back to Arizona just to get my good weather back! ugh. Okay lets be honest. I am hunting for any reason to head back to Arizona. In case you don't believe how bad the weather is here right now and in case you are in some dillusion that the old saying of "April Showers Bring May Flowers" well I have the proof to burst your little bubble!
And yes. Sigh. That is Laneya being a brat in the background telling people what to do in a more than normal "Bratty tone".
But wait. Did you hear what she said....
Yep. she said...
"The PUPPY is going to get cold!"
I know I know. We got a darn puppy. I said we were just going to look but RC said the defenition of "looking at a puppy" actually means...going to pick out which one we are taking home and not leaving empty handed. Well he was right. haha. They had a boy and girl and although the boy was smaller and adorable he was nippier, peed when he got excited and well...to be honest...she loved on us soo much more. So away we went with a sweet little puppy. He did let us know that they get a bit carsick when they are left on the floor or something so we held her and I was more than happy to do so. We went and got only the necessities on Saturday and since Carina was at a friends house for the night we kept it a secret so that we didnt have to hear how sad she was that she wasn't around. I know, mean and cruel but she was even more excited when we showed up the next day to pick her up instead of completely letting it ruin her sleep over.
THe first night, little Chloe, was great. She had one accident and since then...NONE! Fingers crossed it stays that way. She has been going outside and Saturday night was soo freezing she didnt want to go outside and I had to force her and although I am not entirely the dress your dog up in frilly outfits type of person I did feel she needed a little sweater and so we got her one. Mostly to keep her warm but also cause well..they are only this small for so long. Hehe. Its like kids. You gotta do with them as you like before they get old enough to tell you no, or in Chloes case, before she gets fast enough to run away. Ha!
Biggest hurdle. Rian. He is pretty scared of her. At least up until last night. He would cry when she would walk in the room or get near him or pretty much look in his general direction. He would scream a little pitiful scream and run as fast as he could to get away from her and jump on the couch that she is currently to small to jump on herself. I will call it his safe place. Last night however, RC and I were cleaning up and I heard Rian laughing hysterically. I of course caught it a bit late but here is some of how Rian opened up to her. I guess he likes her best when she is sleeping. Sorry its a bit dark.
I of course, also got some pics and since I said I would get better about posting them in a more timely manner, here are some pics of the sweet girl.
OH and I forgot. We had Sam and Rachel come over to eat dinner and chillax and bring over their puppies to meet Chloe Sunday night. We want to get her socialized as quickly as possible. They have bigger puppies and they are pitbulls so although I was a bit skeptical on how they would treat her (yes I am THAT person that is a little scared of PitBulls around my fam and kids) they all did great, in fact I can't wait for us all to get together again. They didn't bring Emma over, their oldest, just Louie their youngest and they played great, I included a pic of them resting together. CUTE! In fact, even though Louie is double Chloe's size he was a bit scared of her and more cause she is soo hyper I think. We all played outside, froze a bit, checked out Sam's new sweet remote control car and just had a blast chit chatting together. I am FINALLY getting back in the swing of things.
Sleeping is a challenge and being a small somewhat destructive breed (when left to their own devices) we have decided to crate train. I got a few pointers today from some friends (thanks Tiff and Shannon) and will be using those to ease the pain and sufferring of this process for not only Chloe but for us, our ears and I much needed rest that was lost last night due to barking and howling and sheer sadness.
Onwards and upwards and if I don't get any sleep I will be posting next weekend a pic of my sleep deprived self and I will be titling that days blog "I hate my decision to get a puppy". Fingers crossed that doesn't happen!
Chloe is a cutie! We crate trained both of our doggies too! And they're fine! I know some folks are against it but it worked for us! However, the rottie still has a chewing problem.