Of course I have told myself I will get better about pics and such so I have and you will be happy to know that the only thing I did not document was the vet trip.
I know I know, its almost as sweet as your babies first appointment only not. They put a thermometer up her rear, they shoved meds down her throat (okay thats exaggerating, they rolled it in a treat) they gave her a shot and she was shaking by the time we left. NOT really something that can be fixed by a pacifier or a bottle. So it was kinda of sad and instead I was stuck being a loving mom. On an upside she is sleeping in her crate almost every night (except for our long days when we let her sleep in the bed) and she is getting so much better when we say "Kennel Up" about just going in and laying down. Thank you Dusty for the advice on what words to use. She is getting more adventurous and is starting to frustrate me because she is having an accident a day in the house. Its weird. She was soo good and its like she is regressing so we will go back to giving her many treats and rewards for good "trips" outside. All in all I do not have a reason to post a "I hate my dog" post and am happy that she is still also tolerating us. Since I did not document the trip here is a pic of her 'sun bathing' while we worked hard on the yard.
Our BBQ. We have gone back and forth on when to get one, what kind to get, if we will use, if we want to spend the money on one and the list goes on and on about our BBQ internal battles with ourselves. Well a decision was made when I went to Fresh and Easy (Yes a little piece of AZ here in Napa!) and they had the yummiest looking NY Steaks. I don't eat steak really. I suck at cooking it, I am not a huge red meat fan and mostly I suck at cooking it (yes I know I already said that...we are just emphasizing the severity of my sucky steak cooking abilities). Despite all that dislike towards red meat I bought them anyways cause I had the hugest craving. NO NO NO don't even start thinking I'm preggers. I called RC right after our trip and said "we are buying a BBQ THIS WEEKEND". I didn't really think how or the specifics but we got it anyways and I LOVE IT. RC and the whole family (we each helped a tiny bit each) put the BBQ together and then of course we took some time for a photo op.
Wait a minute...that's not a BBQ...its a RIAN!!!
Later that day we went down to hill to town and we got a few things done. We dropped of a "stool sample" to the vet. Let me tell ya. The kids were totally grossed out by this but I am not sure whats more gross. Picking up dog poop from a lawn and placing it in a plastic vile, or picking up poop from a floor or undies and disposing in a toilet (of course this only happens when potty training) Either way both situations can be pretty traumatic. We also got RC and Carina hair cuts but the highlights of that trip was when we went to Home Depot. We were finally going to finish one of the front yard projects we had started. We have a little area the length of our house that we wanted to plant flowers in. So the girls originally got seeds and then I was scared they wouldn't grow so yesterday on top of STINKY soil we bought some potted 'full sun' flowers as well. HOPEFULLY They stay alive and it would be even better if the other flowers grew as well :) We also got adventurous and decided to plant some strawberries and basil. They both say FULL SUN and thats what they get in that area so we are not sure if they will grow but hey, it can't hurt to try :)
Before pics of our "gardening" area
Pics during our "gardening" tasks
After pics of our "gardening" area
I will not lie and say I believe that I was born with some 'green thumb' and that I think that we will miraculously have the best looking garden in town but I also dont think we will entirely kill everything. haha. The next item is to get the lawn taken care of. We have to rototill it and I will need my dads assist for that, but I think we are actually considering doing it next weekend so we can plant seed before the really hot months :) So MAYBE pics to come soon but I wouldn't hold my breathe if I were you. When it comes to gardening things tend to take a bit longer than we expect. Haha.
Our last "chore" for the day was to finish a task that I had wanted to do when I realized our cat only used the post part of the cat scratcher we bought her. I figured. Hey why not turn it into a coffee table and put it in the corner between our couches! yay me for being so brilliant. So this week my dad has routered the edges and sanded it and this weekend I painted it and put a sweet gloss coat on it. NOW of course, while it was drying Rian decided to stick his grubby hands on it so now I have a cute little hand print on one of the sides. I was mad about it ruingin all my 'hard work' but hey, it adds character. Makes it ours. Ya know!?!?! So it shall be the kitty post coffee table with grubby little hand prints and we will love it! Haha. Rian also was ecstatic about the drill we used to screw the board to the top of the cat post with so I got video of him helping there as well. So cute.
Lastly I will leave you what we had for dinner Sunday night. I do believe that we are going to make Sundays a grill night where our whole meal will be cooked on the grill. Including any dessert we make! SOO good! Check out these pics and tell me that doesn't make you hungry! The pics don't do the food justice, it tasted SOO much better than the pics even look. The strawberries in the dessert were cooked on the grill, you coat them in sugar, vanilla extract, lemon juice and a tiny water. lay them top side down (you trim the stem off to make a flat surface) in a cake pan and then you pour the extra mix over the top. Cook on the BBQ in the pan for 8-12 minutes, the more ripe they are the less time you cook them, and once all the strawberries are nice and soft and glazed you take them off the bbq, let them cool for 5 minutes, get an extra coating of yummy glaze and then pour over the top of the ice cream. SOO GOOD.

***Disclaimer: I swear we do not play favorites and only choose to take pics of Rian, in fact most of Sunday the girls were playing with the neighbors so its really their fault that they aren't in any pics. haha. Wait does that still make me sound like a terrible mom...Sheesh, can't catch a break.***
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