It means. Die In A Fire.
As in. BLOGGER. Darn you for removing my post and not keeping it ANYWHERE on my blog, not in drafts, not in deleted, not ANYWHERE!!! I sat for a good hour writing, blabbing, updating and now GONE.
So that I say.
Blogger. D.I.A.F!
Bloggy friends, just know it was a good long post that explained my picture overload blog (Hiatus Part 1) and now you will never know the great stories that were once there. Sad. Boohoo.
Okay quick change of subject.
RC and I have some drama going on. NO NO NO not with us as in relationship. In fact, that part of life has been G.R.E.A.T. like straight up Tony the Tiger GREAAATTTT! Its other stuff that I need not mention here nor anywhere else ever, but let me tell you the weight on our shoulders is big. Kinda like...heaviest woman in the world big. If you know me at all, I'm small. That kinda weight on my shoulders. Thats bound to cause some back pain, some neck pain, possibly break my legs and ankles. HUGE pain.
Despite said heavy annoying weight on my shoulders RC and I are holding it together. We are having a blast with the kids, with life etc. Which leads me to a great parenting story. Last night I was cooking dinner. Gourmet stuff. Mac N' Cheese, Chicken strips (that I actually made myself out of real chicken and not frozen pull out of a bag hem...don't judge me for my feeding choices. lol.) and Corn (yes we eat veggies to!). I was there stirring away at my mac n cheese concoction when RC and Carina come running in the house and Carina has blood on her hands, she is crying, more like sobbing and snorting and wheezing, RC looks terrified and of course Rian is still running around the street and Neya could care less that her sister is bleeding out of her mouth. WELL. RC apparently was playing catch with her and she was doing so good they decided to switch it up a bit, she bobbed, and forgot to weave and at the same time forgot to catch the ball (by forgot I mean she completely missed the ball) and hit her straight in the mouth. Two front teeth bleeding, cut through the lip kinda miserable "owie" as Rian would call it.
By the time we got her to calm down, Rian was sweet enough to run alllll the way down the court (d'oh!), retrieve the softball that got let go to run wild in the chaos and he was oh so proud of himself. Thank goodness we live in the middle of nowhere and theonly thing we need to worry about is Rian possibly getting run over by a deer. Haha. After Carina popped a Tylenol PM, ate a popsicle (well licked it to death) and settled in on the couch we ended the night with American Idol, Greys and Private Practice.
Quick Pic of Carina playing "poor me" She did smile I swear but for the camera she was not havin' it AND this morning her smile has returned permanently but her lip is much more swollen. If my papparazzi sense would have kicked in I would have surely got it while it was nice and bloody but instead my dang mommy senses kicked in first.

OH and did I mention that I almost passed out during all this. I blame it on not eating anything all day and rushing around when all this happened but RC says I'm a sissy and that it was cause I saw the blood. Either way. What a wuss.
Today we took her to the dentist as last night one of her front teeth was REALLY loose but this AM it was a bit more together and and firm and we just needed confirmation that our kid wasn't going to lose it or have it discolor or sheezus that at the tender age of 11 she would need a fake tooth. I didn't take my kid to the last Napa dentist we went to (they were terribly mean to Neya and scary) so I chose some other random one on the same street as my old orthodontist and not only was he nice but he assured us that we had nothing to worry about, just to make sure she didnt put to much pressure on it before she was ready. Oh joy!
I tell ya. Never a dull moment.
Now back to work and more sulking over losing my really fantastic and really long blog post about all the pics I uploaded. Boohoo :(
(hey didn't you all miss these totally great blogs. Aren't you glad I am back to rot your brain with all these fun stories!)
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