We have been to two fairs in the last couple weeks. One was really big and I almost wish we had ONLY spent our time there, but alas dad was missing so we had to just go for a little bit. The big one was the Sonoma County fair. It was a lot of fun. We saw horses racing, rode some rides (even though I swore we weren't going to spend money on tickets...FAIL!), we had the kids play some games and we of course GRUBBED on some food. This was the best part of all, the food at fairs is always better except I did get a dud glass of lemonade which I later followed up with a Margarita. Hahahaha. We went with some friends but of course since my kids are at the moving, A.D.D. phase of life, we had quickly parted ways and I kept them entertained while trying to not have a mental breakdown. HONESTLY single moms with more than one kid...I bow down to you. I had all three kids, a tween, a moody 6 year old and a toddler to myself in a SUPER crowded fair. Between trying to battle which rides the kids could ride, while trying to keep the toddler entertained (he could only ride 3 rides the whole time as we didn't have enough tickets for ALL of us as he needed a companion for all other rides) and trying to NOT scream myself it was quite challenging. The rides Carina wanted to ride, Neya couldn't ride so then I had to find a ride she could ride in eyeball distance (mind you my eyes are bad) so that I didn't just have each kid waiting impatiently. UGH this is why most people go with their spouses, friends, or DON'T GO AT ALL to crazy events like this. Either way the day was pretty fun and although I did kinda lose my mind and ream the kids in the middle we got past that and ended up all laughing and smiling while listening and of course singing along to Justin Bieber on the way home. I figured it was the only way to NOT have them complain about the fact that we left after only 4 hours. UGH.
SECOND fair, we went to was the Napa County Fair. It was good. Smaller but good. We started it off by watching the parade and OMG it was soo fun. Small but good. We saw some cool big trucks that Rian loved, we saw our friends daughter on the 4H float and we saw some mexican guys doing tricks with lassos on horses. I mean COOL tricks. they were standing on saddles doing their lassos and jumping up and down it was amazing. I can't explain it properly so when I am by the camera I will try to upload those pics. For now I am pictureless on the fair posts. Sorry. Anywho, we ended up at the fair and we dragged Grandma Jackie along, although I am sure she enjoyed it (despite the heat) because who doesn't love to see their grandkids :) We spent an arm and a leg but we ended up having tons of fun! I did get grouchy as it took me an hour (or so it seemed..haha) to get to eat my lunch but everyone else was happy and thats all that matters. We had corn dogs, fries, chinese food, fruit cups and of course left with ceremonious cotton candy and candy apples. Neya rode a ton of rides and even found a rollercoaster she REALLY liked, she rode it at least 5 times. We took Rian on but he was scared until I covered his eyes then he was laughing. GO figure. He is his mommas son, that is EXACTLY what I do on rollercoasters. I love the speed but I hate watching it...that makes it scary. Kinda like how the music in scary movies is REALLY what makes them horrible. LOL. Don't judge us :) Carina also found a ride she loved, it looked like a little spaceship but it spun you in cirlces and at some points you were completely upside down. I was shocked that she liked it but hey, to each their own. I was even more shocked she didn't throw up her lunch cause she went on it 3 times after she ate. Haha.
The best ride of all was the one the girls did together that was one that spun you really really fast. Carina wasn't a fun because the force of the movement made Neya squish into her but in general they had a blast. Neya was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. Classic.
RC took the girls on their first fishing trip. They went out with their fishing poles, some warm clothes and their game faces on. Hehe. I didn't go as I stayed home with the boy, lord knows I didn't want him falling into the Napa River. YUCK! Carina caught some fish but Neya was the only one who wanted to touch them, she even kissed an anchovie! OMG, she is soo gross. Either way they BOTH had a blast and even RC's cousin Scott got to hang out and help them out. So cute! Needless to say I don't think RC is going to have an easy time going fishing without having two little girls who want to go along for the ride :) Glad they have a hobby they can all enjoy, makes me smile :)

While I was in AZ, I missed out on a bunch of stuff, including birthdays and family and such! This weekend (last night actually) we celebrated my dads birthday, nothing big but we all chipped in, made some dinner, mom got him a cake and it was just nice to sit around the table and B.S. together about nothing imparticular. I guess these are the things I took for granted in AZ. I used AZ as a buffer to not have to be around for all of these types of things but really they are quite worth it and I am glad the girls will be raised around all this now. Either way, glad that my dad had a good b-day! RC will be taking him to the movies to see a 'mans movie' a.k.a the expendables, along with my brother, Carina made him a card that we all signed and my mom bought him shirts. He had a yummy dinner of steak, potatoes and salad all topped off with his fave cake, vanilla with REAL strawberry filling! YUM!
I STILL miss my AZ folks and my life out there, but it's been nice out here, in fact I am even having a girls night out tonight...dinner and a movie :) YAY!
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