We signed up Laneya in the Alternative Program which is way more parent involvement and a different teaching curriculum of sorts. Lots of stuff based on the kids and the parents involvement, supposed to be more hands on and structured but we shall see. From what we heard Vichy has the best Alternative Program in the Valley so ya know, we had to try it. Anything to make school more enjoyable. She was nervous and for good reason. New school, no friends but I am sure she will pick up fast. There is a little girl that we know in her class, she is the daughter of a friend of ours. So HOPEFULLY they hit it off!
Carina is in 5th grade and it is probably even scarier for her. This is the grade right before Junior High here in CA, she is the new kid in school but with her ability to get along with folks I am sure it will be fine! It could have just been me but I felt like she was so much more grown up than the kids in her class. HOPEFULLY thats a good thing, they can bring her innocence back and knock out some of that tween personality. haha. Carina isn't in Alternative, as it ends at at the beginning of 4th grade, but we will be participating just as much hopefully. She looked adorable and I think her teacher has been there since me and my bro's were in school. CRAZY!
RC and I made a few notes, the parents look older, the teachers look younger. haha. Which is funny considering a lot of the teachers have been the same since forever. All that botox and plastic surgery. I kid I kid! Also noted that it seems like EVERYONE knows eachother. In such a small school I suppose that isn't hard to come by, however differnet for us since we are used to such a big school in Phoenix.
Either way I wish them luck, they will be taking the bus home today and it's their FIRST experience on a bus so that should be interesting. Hopefully they get the hang of it. It is also a half day (every wednesday is) so it's a different bus than normal days. Yikes. I have a feeling we will be getting calls when school is out as to which bus they need to take SO to TRY and head that off, I am going to call the school to send them each a note for which busline to stand in :)
Here are some pics of our gorgeous little ones...or NOT so little ones...boo!
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