Before glasses I could see, I was not blind by any means but seeing distances was WAY blurred and even normal vision was funny because no lines were sharp and every outline of ANYTHING was a bit fuzzy. To look ahead at a street sign was blurry and this is what that looked like...

To look at that same street sign (not really cause they are different pics but you get the point) this is what I see NOW that I have glasses on!

Let me tell ya. The difference is amazing and although I typically only need to wear them for everything but sitting at my computer I have taken to wearing them ALL the time, mostly because why take them off to sit at my desk when I will have to put them on EVERYWHERE I go. Haha. So I KNOW you are dieing to see what I look here is of course a pic from my camera phone, because I suck at taking self pics on our HUGE giant camera. LOL.

Oh Sophisticated right. NOT REALLY but hey, I can see. That is all that matters!
Loving the new glasses! Hey, at least your eyeballs aren't at -5.5, because I am! And I consider myself blind w/out my contacts.