So this is about a week late but better late than never!
Last week Neya went to the dentist for the first time. Yes I know, don't judge me, we waited longer due to moving, chaos, work and honestly just not seeing anything physically wrong with her teeth. Yes I know, bad call.
Anywho, I recruited dad to take her in as I was in Sac that day and needed the help. He took her in, got her signed in and they took her back after filling out LOADS of paperwork. Someone explain to me why moms can remember Socials (of everyone in their fam), Insurance numbers etc and dad's cannot, must be some special gene that we were blessed with! Anywho, after 1 call to me for some info I got them all taken care of and they waited.
They took Neya back, and SHOCKINGLY she got her xrays done without any complaining. Tell that girl your taking pics, no matter what its of and she is game. They did pics and had to wait for them to come back, at which time she chose to dance around in the dentist chair. Not to long after they came back to tell them "oops" we messed up the xrays they are to light so you must do them ALL over again. Poor RC he has the worst luck. So they redid them and then, yep, you guessed it, continued to wait!
Once they came back with the second, darker batch they went to clean Neya's teeth and that is where she lost it. She didn't want them anywhere near her. Now some would say "if you had taken her when she was younger this would have been easier" but that isn't true. Truth be told, Neya just didn't WANT them to touch her teeth so she pulled her typical Neya move and pouted till they said "well she has no cavities, just makes sure she keeps brushing"
WHOA yes, you heard me right, the little sugar monster has NO cavities, not ONE! Good job Neya. That means this whole time that we thought "brush your teeth" time was just time for her to stare at herself in the mirror while sucking her bubble gum toothpaste off her brush...she ACTUALLY was brushing her teeth! WOOT! We did teach her something.
So there ya go, one quick (kinda) dentist visit and LOADS of fun for dad (yes that was sarcasm).
This weekend we visited with fam (cousins) and I will TRY to post some pics but next we are off to go on our first family camping trip with the Snooks this weekend (first time since we had JUST Carina) and it should be fun. They have an RV (lucky!) however we will be roughing it in tents. Lets keep our fingers crossed that it goes good! Haha.
I say put Gabe and RC in the tent (you know it's gonna smeel bad the next day, brrrt) and you and Tiff and kids take the Trailer :) Just a suggestion....but knowing those two guys, a GOOD one!!!