Baby Shower for Hudson Sinclair Snook!
When my friend Tiffany announced that she was preggers with her 3rd baby (number 3 after her twins) I was over the moon, and also in shock...but thats a whole other story ;) I wasn't here for much of the boy's first months of life, both in her tummy and out of her tummy so I was STOKED to be a part of Hudsons whole story. I also wasn't here to throw her a shower (although her BFF of course did) and I wasn't here for delivery, I mean we had to wait a whole month just to meet them! So at the first chance I decided...ya know, sure it's the second pregnancy but me its just as special so I gave the idea to her BFF and BAM we decided to throw a shower. We make a great team and I was more than excited to see how it all turned out. I am forever grateful to be a part of Tiffany's life, she is a great friend and I can only hope we continue to be an bigger part of Hudsons life (and Aaden's and Noah's). I love you guys and I hope it was a special day for you!
The food spread...Susie made the best breakfast bake I have ever eaten!
The gifts :)
The Games...this one was funny. You chewed up a piece of bubble yum (hello SUGAR!) and you laid it on a 3.5 card and then you shaped it with only a toothpick to look like a baby. MAN were there some interesting ones!
Our Trip to the Napa Fair
What is there to say. We had a town fair, it was busy and we spent oh so much money. We ate tons of crap and enjoyed every minute of it! Hehe. The cool part was that we got to see our friends band perform the first night (sorry no pics) and then the second day we went we joined the same friends and the kids got to ride all the rides for an insanely large amount of money. Talk about debt! Ugh. However, if you can't tell by the kids faces in some of these pics...they TOTALLY enjoyed it, which makes any money spent completely worth it!My Sister Ashley's Baby Shower
My sisters is a bit younger than me..I don't want to age myself so no specifics but its funny to me when I think of her as anything by my 'little sister' that wears clothes my mother dissapproves of, that sleeps with her kitty and blankie, that is so tiny and itty bitty you almost forget she is a grown up. However, here she is and on her way to becoming a mommy. When I first found out she was preggers I was sad cause it was on Facebook and my hubby had told me but looking back everyone does things a certain way for a reason and I'm sure she had her own reasons. I later got a personal text and although apprehensive I still wanted to celebrate it with her and be there for her because with my first kid I got a lot of a slack for how young I was, for the father I chose, for how much my life would change etc etc. I never wanted her to feel I wouldn't support her so the biggest way to show her that I was always going to be her biggest supporter was to of course, be there for everything but also to throw her a shower. To really celebrate this new life she was bringing into our crazy wild world. I got to planning a while back and it didn't even end up at the same place we had originally sent out on the invites but without skipping a beat we (my other sister and I) threw her a pretty amazing baby shower. I had the vision and my sister Amy helped me to bring it to life and keep me sane even with some of the hiccups :) We took lots of pics, had so much extra food and before time gets away from me, here is a little note to my sister Ashley:'Ashley, life won't always be easy, raising a kid won't always be filled with smiles and laughs, but along the journey you will always have me to keep you grounded, keep it real and to be there when you need a hand. When it comes to baby Gabriel Myles, you rely on your own motherly instints, take all the help you can get, shove pride out the door and do what will keep a roof over Gabes head and love in his life. Although you will always get a million pieces of advice, the only piece that you will want to listen to 100% is this...No mother is the same, no child is the same, you will have people judge, warn, bash and support your actions and the only thing you need to remember is that MOMMY KNOWS BEST!
I wish you all the luck in the world little sis...I love you!
Now without further are the pics!
Onesie decoration station...what a hit...check out some if the awesome art folks did :)

The decor (a bit of it)
The games. We played two of them. One was "Who's poop" and you had to guess which chocolate bar was in the diapers. OMG soo funny with such a young group and then the tie breaker game was "chug a lug" where you had to chug liquid out of a bottle. I included the two winners pictures while they chugged away! Talk about not easy!
The guests...
The gifts...
I also took a pic of my sister and wanted to put it in a frame (you can see that in previous pics) for people to sign on as a 'guest list'. It turned out really cute but here is the actual pic :)

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