This is the FINAL POST OF THE VACATION!!! Try not to cry and become overly sad, this making it so that you need to have a xanex or something but it will in fact be the last post from our vacation. We had a blast and instead of driving home early, picking up pizza and relaxing on our sofa before the next day of work we decided to sleep in a bit, pack up and then head to Santa Monica Pier! Yes we are the people that like to torture ourselves on vacation. Don't judge.
We packed up the minivan, that I still loved soo much and we headed of to Santa Monica. Due to our poor planning we ended up in yucky traffic and even had to make a pit stop at some random Food Maxx or something so that Neya could go potty. We were in that grocery store for about 3 minutes and I wanted out...SCARY (but not so scary that I bothered to go in the bathroom with my young daughter instead of people watch which I do so well).
We got to Santa Monica pier and we werent too excited about the thought of water and having to get back in the car and all that jazz so instead we bribed them with wristbands to ride all the rides and lots of sugar. Hehe. We ate corn dogs, we had ice cream and funnel cakes, we rode rides (well I didn't...I took pics) and we played games...LOTS of games, because as if having three kids doesnt already acquire enough useless happy meal toys we felt we needed stuffed animals that eventually cost us about 20 bucks each but really cost some kid in a foreign country about 5 cents to make during their non existent lunch hour. Yeah...on vacation...who thinks about those poor child slaves and we all know the kids would have died without the toys and games soooo no turning back.
We had a blast and wouldn't ya know it...we got suckered into going in the water anyways. No bathing suits but may as well have with as much water was drenched onto clothes. I nearly had about 3 heart attacks each time RC was "watching" the kids and I was taking pics because unless you are a mom you suck at multi tasking. Rian nearly drowned and it made me angry at my hubby but in hindshight, there were two of us...I could have done more but instead I was too busy catching the glorious memories soooo I guess its my fault to. And when I say "almost drowned" I just mean he fell, got wet, swallowed some water (because the water splashed up as the wave crashed) and became soaking wet...not that he actually drowned. Hey this is my blog. I can be overdramatic if I want to be!
The kids overall had a blast and it was the perfect way to end our vacation. What a great time we had. I wouldn't have changed any part of it, except for the part where we had to come back to real life where blackberries have emails come through and my alarm goes off at 6am for me to go to an office and slave away all day as opposed to going off at 6am and calling me into Disneyland. BOO WORK. I hate you!!
So always. Enjoy some pics!!!
Don't lie - you just wanted to get all that you could out of that minivan! So off to another mini vacay, once you got home from Disneyland, eh? I would have too! You could live in the minivan (not that I would want too, but you could with all that space). Loved the pics too!