1. My sisters baby shower invites. I had high hopes for them but they didn't turn out quite as cute as I had hoped (although our other sister reassured me they are perfect).

2. My sisters baby shower diaper cake. I have two baby showers I am throwing in the span of two weeks so I am trying to make each one very unique but boy is it hard. they both are shaped the same but I incorporated different items specific a bit to their personality. My sister is still in that "babys are soo great" phase so I saw it only fit that hers mostly contained toys. That is after all the most fun part about babies! TOYS! hehe. Cause lord knows, midnight feedings, blowout diapers and spit up are not the first things you think of as a first time mommy :)
The baby shower theme is Jungle :)

3. Rian's birthday invites. I was going back and forth and not really committing and he loves cars but I don't really want him to be like Neya (she literally has had princess everything for every birthday since the dawn of time) so I wanted to switch it up while I still have a say. So this year we are doing Mickey Mouse. After our recent Disney trip and his fascination with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every morning it seemed only fit that we have a Mickey birthday. I ordered the invites and he LOVED them and showed me by repeating "dat my birthday card". Hehe love that kid.

4. Rian's birthday cake. I have had the pleasure of being asked to make my friend Tiffany's twin boys' birthday cakes for their 2nd birthday party. Because of this great honor I didn't want to screw up their cake so I decided to test my skills on Rian's birthday cake. Haha. I have never really made a cake before and I mean decorated it. I mean I did his cake last year but it was pretty easy. Creative, but easy. So this year I want to really see if I have any cake decorating skills. So here is what his cake looked like step by step :) and yes...I totally even made my own frosting and used AND colored Fondant. Yeah. This gal is totally taking it up a notch. Hopefully the twins cakes turn out even better :)

I have more updates from the other baby shower we are throwing but its a surprise of sorts (meaning she isnt to know any of the cool details (Sorry Tiff) but I will post pics after we throw it this weekend :)
In other news I have signed the girls up for Dance (neya to do Tap and Carina to do Hip Hop), we changed dance studios and Laneya gets to be taught by my cousin so hopefully she listens. Carina has taken up quite the 'tude and I think she will be lucky to make it to 6th grade without me possibly selling her to some family in a distant country. I tried to work with Rian again on the potty and I think I have decided he will just need to be trained naked. When he has no clothes covering his junk he goes in the potty no problem. Sorry Neya and Carina..you just gotta deal with it :) Neya has been also doing great, my dad just borrowed a tennis racquet for her so now her, Carina and my dad can all go play tennis on his early days. They like the thought of that.
As far as RC and I go. We are just lucky we are sane. Ugh. Sadly my fave reality show has just ended and this means...more boring nights of having to watch other lame shows. Haha. Oh JP and Ashley...please star in a "this is our life" type of Nick and Jessica Simpson show. I would happily watch it. Haha. Yes. Lame.
Okay, now I guess I better work on working orrrrrrr going through DIsneyland pics...come on...which sounds more appealing to you!
P.S. Please keep our friend Tiff, her family and especially her grammy in your thoughts and prayers, they have been dealt a hand that this amazing family doesn't deserve and needs lots of love and support.****UPDATE****Second opinion shows NO cancer for Tiffs Grandma! WOOHOO for good thoughts and I imagine TONS of prayers!****
Crafty? I would say "YES" you are! Loved the Mickey Mouse cake. Aubrey loves it too - she adores Mickey! (The 3 stuffed Mickey Mouses are staring right at me as I type this.) And the baby shower looks adorable as well!