Here I am at the hsopital and trying to be a big boy. Yesterday was a good day and I wanted to update everyone on what has gone on. I woke up in the morning still having to use the oxygen in my nose and was still pretty tired. I could hardly keep my eyes open and even giving mommy and daddy hugs wore me out. So lots of nap time for me.
The day went on and I got another breathing treatment, which I cried the entire time through, and they "beat me" which means they took a face mask from my breathing machine and soft side down pat my back like they are burping me and broke up all the junk in my lungs. The first time they did this it scared mommy because I was passed out, eyes closed and she just saw the nurses over me beating my back. She thought something happened and jumped right off that bed in my room! It was funny, at least for me and the nurses.
I was still only able to drink "clear fluids" which means pretty much everything BUT milk and that made kind of sad. I am used to getting ready and taking a bath and drinking my bottle, then getting jammies on and heading to bed with a full tummy of milk and right now I can only drink juice and that stuff goes right through me! Mommy and Daddy have to change my diapers ALL the time. No fun.
Yesterday I got visitors and that was pretty exciting even though I slept through MOST of it. Matt brought Xander and my sissies down. I was tired and they were sad to see me hooked up to machines but Carina said that she was happy that it didn't look as bad as the first time I was in the hospital. She was right. This time I didn't even have an IV by the time she saw me. PHEW.
Then for lunch time (where I AGAIN enjoyed my juice bottle) Shawn came and visited and brought mommy and daddy El Bravo, some yummy mexican food that mommy only gets to eat every now and then. I cried for a little bit while Shawn was here, I just wanted to put on a show and make him feel bad for me :) I am tough, but he doesn't have to know that.
The rest of the day went by pretty easy, I slept, mom and dad stressed over every alarm I set off and by the end of the day everyone was exhausted but I still didn't want to fall asleep. Around 11 I finally decided to lay down but kept everyone up about every hour and Sheesh, those nurses they don't want to let you sleep either! They wake me up every 4 hours whether I like it or not!
At 6am this morning dad went home to rest, take a shower and get himself put back together and wash the blankets I peepeed on. WHOOPS. The dogs and kitties were glad to see him but I was more glad to see him when he got back and he brought me and mommy pancakes. I was happy I got to eat again! Yummy.
That is about it for me.
Update for today:
I am on no oxygen right now to see if I am stable enough to start my 24 hour count of being "oxygen free" and I am going to get down to the NORMAL pediatrics unit later today. They just have to wait for a bed to be ready. I have TWO more days of antibiotics left and I have to be here for that, so hopefully by Wednesday I will be back home. The bad news is I can't go back to daycare until they give me the 100% okay from the doctor and that can be up to two weeks, Guess mommy and daddy will have to figure out work.
Anyways, that is all I have energy to type (they should make me the E Trade baby, I am way cuter than he is) but thank you everyone for thinking about me and checking out my blog today! I will update you tomorrow but for now here are some pics that my camera happy mommy took!
Me and Shawn:

Me and my SISSIES! I love them!

Play time in my FIRST room


Play time in my SECOND room!

My Sweet X-Ray, the CLOUDY part is my Pneumonia :(

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