In other news, Carina has been to the dentist now THREE times, and actually it was THREE different dentists. This kid with her teeth kills me! She has actually been doing a really great job, even the FIRST dentist said so but a couple years back she had a not so great tooth that had sorta decayed before it even came out of her gums! So, we got it taken care of but the bad news was that she HATED IT, we had a horrible experience and the did a crappy job which we are now paying for. How you ask, well, we have to get her a root canal. NOT because her tooth is bad but because they didnt FILL the tooth properly the first time so the part of the nerve that was left is not sensitive to EVERYTHING. So yeah, Monday we have an appointment and until then she is on Tylenol with Codein (sorry if I spelt that wrong) and Amoxicillin. Not to mention any Motrin in between all that to keep the pain away. NOW, if you know Carina you know she is a drama queen and although I am sure it hurts she goes from laughing to tears and screaming at us about how we suck and can't help her. Haha. SERIOUSLY. So maybe all these drugs will just knock her out until Monday and we can all rest easy :)
So outside of that excitement not much else is going on, I emailed my boss, sucked it up, and I guess we will see what the outcome is. I hope its a big fat raise, haha, but we all know life is just not that simple. Meh. So is life. All I got back (after he read my million paragrah, very professional and NON emotional email) was
"I will have to process this", that can't be good. Haha.
OH well, I will keep you all updated on that whole situation but until then...HERE ARE SOME PICS! Yay pics!
Day 3Mommy and Rian
Rian in the wagon he loved!
Daddy acting like an old man a.k.a HIMSELF :)
Rian and Daddy, Rian was tired of pics!
Rian watching the fishies...he was in love!
We weren't allowed to have KID visitors in the second Pediatric ward we went to but Uncle Richie and Grandpa Rich drove 26 hours (round trip) to see Rian and drop off Aunty Ashley so we made a quick exception!
Day 4Sleeping with his sock precious
Hi Mom!
The nurse "beating" Rian's back while he lounged and watched Dora...better than a back massage! LOL.
Cheese! He was so happy to have no more tape on his face!
Shawn brought us dinner so yummy! He acts like a big kid but is an adult so he was okay to visit :)
Other pics from the last two days since we have been homeRian showing Daddy how to use a screwdriver!
Aunty Ashley and Neya hammin' it up!
Rian in a cute little hoody, looking all grown up!
SOOOOOO glad to read the good news!! And Rian, he's back to being a kid! YAY!!!