However with one of my "resolutions" this year being "to be more social and stop using my kids as a 'crutch a.k.a. reason to not have a life'" I decided to take up our friend Shawn on his invitation to go to a hockey game. We had already been to a baseball game this year and Rian was NOT having it. Apparently it bores him. However the hockey game was a totally different story.

He sat for TWO AND A HALF hours (I spelt it so it was more intense) and he actually WATCHED it. I was in absolute shock. He was pointing, clapping, cheering and even YELLING at the players. So freaking adorable.

In fact the SCARIEST part for him was when we tried to chase down Howler (the mascot) and get a pic with him. The stinking aisle lady totally didn't warn me when she was taking the pic so you have me pointing and trying to get Rian to not look TERRIFIED, but the whole time he was trying to crawl up my body and get as far away from Howler as possible. Apparently he is afraid of dressed up people because this experience was about as great as our Santa trip. Haha. Oh well.

Either way the rest of the game was GREAT even enjoyed some Hooters while we were there, the boy was just in absolute heaven.

Here are some group pics and some singles that were just to funny to NOT post. Enjoy everyone...oh and did I mention I think Alison was the only one who left NOT bummed with the loss that the Coyotes had...why you ask. WELL. She is a Redwings fan and they won 4-1. Darn 'Yotes. Get 'em next time!

I love this one...Rian looks like SOO silly...

OH and the REALLY cool part was that Rian and Shawn went to their FIRST hockey game together. So cute.

I am so lucky we have found and KEPT such really great friends. This year seems to be turning out great, even if Neya has had some minor breakdowns on a daily basis. I suppose some things wouldn't be "FUN" if they changed 100%
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