And before i REALLY start the rambling here is a funny story: The nights that Neya PASSED out before everyone else Rian totally body slammed her multiple times. Hilarious yet painful to watch...but did we stop him. NOPE! Yep that's good parenting if I ever saw it :)

Okay sorry, got a little off track there. ANYWHO. We went to Palm Springs and although we got a late start (two hours late to be exact) due to RC's work schedule we were off and got there with enough time to set out milk and cookies for Santa and to get the kids in their bed and us ALSO off to bed as Santa got to do the rest of the work (a.k.a. wrap last minute Santa presents and get them stockings filled!) Oh how I love to see the looks on their faces.

Carina seems to believe that Santa doesn't exist, but so help me, I will keep her "believing" up until her very youngest sibling is having the same sentiments. Even if I have to threaten her within an inch of her life. haha. Totally kidding, but man did that sound scary!
Christmas morning came and LIKE USUAL they RIPPED through the stockings and the Santa gifts but this year we were horrid parents and we made them wait a good two hours before opening the rest of their gifts. OMG, it was hilarious. I remember being a kid and my uncle and aunt always being the last to join the party and this year since he was not present I went ahead and filled that part. OHHH how it was FUNNNN!!!! Hehe. However, we had good reason, we first waited till my Bisabuela (great grandma) got picked up and then we also made sure everyone was fed and such, and of I took a shower because just made me grin to see them wiggle with anxiety in their jammies. And THEN they ripped into the presents and all bets were off...

That afternoon although it was only 55 degrees (roughly) they went swimming in the hot tub and man are they nuts. They had a blast though, and I must admit...swimming in December as a kid is a pretty cool treat, especially ON Christmas day. My grandparents had gotten a pet bunny about 9 months ago that found his way into their backyard and adopted THEM (whether they liked it or not) and he ALSO had a good time with the kids. Here I show an innocent little picture of him getting loves from the girls but LATER on that day he showed Neya "love" by making attempting to make her leg his girlfriend. OH man! She was a bit traumatized and decided "I don't like how the bunny likes to have FUN!" Hehe. Needless to say after everyone got a few drinks in them that was pretty much the joke of the night. Oh the joys of family and the ability to tease one another :)

Anywho, here are some other good pics of everyone. My mom, dad, grandma, bisabuela and my bro Gabe, not to mention a SWEET pic we got of RC, his mom and the kids. NOTICE in ALL the pics ALL the kids are looking at the camera. MAN we are getting good. The trick this time...shaking a noisy pill bottle just as I took the pic, Haha. Oh yeah. I got tricks up my sleeve!

Look, look, look at me go! I am catching up on your blog. Love all the pictures, looks like a fun time. I love the body slamming, too funny. What's your plans for RC's B-Day?