1. His Grandpa REALLY hated the mohawk. Every time we saw him he asked when we would get rid of the silly haircut...
2. People gawked at him, they ALWAYS said he was SOO cute but I got tired of people almost "staring" and although we have some good stories instigated by the hawk it can get tiring...
3. I had said we would cut it off when he turned 1, but I never did, I tried...but couldn't bring myself to do it, then a friend said "you keep saying you're gonna cut it, but you won't" (this felt more like a challenge pushed at me)
4. It became tiring to do it all the time...and although he LOVED when we did his hair it was daunting to have to do it. I know. I know. He's a boy hair should be easy...but it wasn't...
So there, that is the list. We were going to cut it for an xmas present to his grandpa, and we had told some folks that, then his grandpa had to cancel the xmas trip so I was like...SHOOT! Either way we did it and its good we did cause he had a little dry skin patch where his hawk was (just in one corner) and he STILL looks super cute without it.
Funny thing is, for me, the hawk was Rian's way of showing his toughness from his whole heart surgery ordeal "on the outside". I know, weird, right? I guess I will never ever ever ever have the heart surgery or the struggle we went through and will forever go through out of my head or even in the back of my mind but I guess I never realized I held certain things so close to me that I felt represented the heart surgery. Crazy.
Anywho, I just wanted to vent and get out my thoughts. It seems to have worked alright but hopefully I didn't offend anyone in the process.
Here is a pic of the outcome!
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