Carina: So mom, are girlfriends supposed to buy boyfriends presents for xmas?
Mom: Well if you want to...what would you like to get him?
Carina: Well those things he wears on his wrist and a hat, he LOVES those beanie ones with the little hard part in front (she meant the mini bill kind)
Mom: okay we can do that, lets look around
Then after we are done shopping she says with a little red in her cheeks...
Carina: Mom its kinda weird shopping for a boyfriend
Mom: Why?
Carina: cause I had crushes and "little pretend boyfriends" before but this time it seems more serious
THIS is where I wanted to throw up, and instead had to collect myself and just explain that she was getting older...I GUESS! What the heck. When did my little girl grow up so darn fast. Granted she doesnt even barely hug SAID boyfriend but yes, we bought him a present and the WEIRDER part was that she knew ANYTHING about him. haha. I know, that is soo silly of me, as she knows all her friends inside and out why should a male be different but still. It was the slight in to the fact that not only am I getting older, but my babies are getting older as well.
Alas, they cannot stay young forever, but to preserve those moments here are the rest of the pics I promised from our camera (yes my extra appendage has been returned to my side) from the night at Zoolights.
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