I will also take a moment to say thank you to those little men that have also let me be their auntie..."JackJack", "big p", "Xman", "oah", "dayday"...I love you all my sweet little men!
Date Day! We finally got to take a whole day to do nothing but enjoy one another. We went to lunch at Morimoto Restaurant...Iron Chef Morimoto that is! It was amazing and now that we have SEEN the food we will be more daring next time. So yummy, even the Red Pepper Sorbet! We then went to see the Facebook movie which also was REALLY good. Amazing how smart some people can be. Ugh, I can only dream. We had a great day, we didn't have the kids all night, we had a couple drinks, we went by a friends, we went home, we slept in. It was great!
We went to Six Flags a couple weekends ago with the Snook fam. It was hectic and crazy and just to name a few things that went on here goes...the stroller latch broke, we lost a season pass (we knew before we went but whatever), we replaced said pass, we waited for one of the kids to be done blowing up the bathroom for about 30 minutes, we pushed around a stroller full of 4 toddlers, we ate at mcdonalds for the monopoly pieces then I washed said Monopoly pieces in my shorts that night, we only rode a few rides, the kids only had a few meltdowns and I STILL haven't watched a damn show. Time to go again! Thank heavens for season passes!
I had to post this picture. Do you SEE what Neya dresses herself in. LOL. Rainbows, Plaid and PLENTY of pink and purple. Gotta love that kid. She does look pretty cute though...
Carina decided to NOT have a HUGE party and just have a couple friends over, so we did just that. We had our closest family and her closest friends. She had a sleepover, we made yummy food (Pizza, Hot dogs wrapped in croissants and her fave potato chips) it was a junk food junkies dream! We of course made home made cupcakes, Funfetti cupcakes, purplose frosting topped with nerds. She had a blast and so did we. I realized that your kids are getting older when presents mostly consist of gift cards and cash. ugh. Can't she just be young again!
RC officially signed his third location, which was cause for celebration. We went out for margaritas and mexican food, which he had been craving for a while. We had a blast and yes I was in some pics but I looked HUGE in comparison to RC and sometimes you can fool the camera, sometimes you can't SOOO since I couldnt fool it this night I opted to NOT post the pic of us. I swear I do love him just not enough to post my 'fat pics' online.
Quick visit to Grandmas house (Great Grandma to the kids) along with my stepdad Rich and my little bro Richie, do note, Richie is actually shorter than Carina and two months younger, some day Carina will appreciate that I wrote that in stone on the interwebz. She wasn't with us to visit Grandma as she was at a friends and this trip as kind of last minute but she was there in thought ;)
Lazy Sunday made for a good excuse for me to use my telephoto lens. I stood all the way in the hallway just to take this pic (and it was even zoomed in!)
Awwww... so you will post my 'fat pics' but not YOURS! WRONG, just wrong! Hehe, just kidding I can't get around it, all my pics are fat pics. Hehe, glad you updated. <3 you!