11 years and 9 months ago I was faced with a tough decision. To grow up or not grow up. I, of course, chose to grow up. I made a change in my life that I will never regret and it is by far the best decision that my "non adult" self could have made. Even if I had no idea the changes it had in tow for me!
11 years ago today (at 8:30 PM to be exact) the most amazing little girl was brought into my life and the rollercoaster has yet to stop. She came in at a whopping 8lbs 10oz and I knew from then on nothing about this little precious one were going to be small, not her laughs, not her smiles, not her drama and most defenitely not her personality!
Carina Renae Peralez came into this world big news and to this day she always has something new, interesting, funny, tiring, shocking, confusing (if you ever heard Carina tell a story you understand) and even sometimes scary to tell us. Outside of the normal stuff a mom can say like she is smart, funny, outgoing, outspoken etc etc etc..she is also this...
- A great listener, even if she tries to pretend that she doesn't hear us
- A great sister, she loves to play with her brother and sister but also loves her space, she gives them ANYTHING they want even if she cringes and she loves them no matter how many times Rian asks her to play cars or Neya nags her about sleeping in her bed
-A great daughter, she helps, she listens, she understands and she forgives us for our faults and I know that she knows we love her for all her quirkiness
-A great student, yes we sometimes harass her for being a brown noser (all in good fun) but the truth is she is an AMAZING student. She soaks everything in and spits it all out and the only time I see her frustrated is when she has to do two extra steps to get to the end result, when she knew the answer at step 1
I could go on and on but the fact remains that Carina is just an all around amazing person, a great little woman and I would not EVER trade her in for the world. Not a day goes by where someone does ask how old I am and if I should have waited, or regret being a young mom or if I feel I am a good parent and to be honest, without Carina being as great and well rounded as she is might make me question that but I also have her to thank. She keeps me in check. She reminds me when my temper is a bit crazy, she even is nice enough to show me a glimpse of my own temper in her, she smiles and laughs soo loud that you can't help but chuckle yourself, she is the reason that people become parents. To love and be loved back, to see how great of a person you can raise and to know that all the hard choices you may have had in the beginning were all worth it in the end.
I love Carina, WE love Carina and to be honest soo many other people love Carina and I know that each day she is alive and breathing, is just another day that people are going to be blessed with humor, kindness, love and joy.
We love you baby girl...We love you so much!

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