Random pics and the pumpkin Rian got from his PreSchool field trip
Dressed up for the Wendts Fab halloween party :)
Pumpkin Patch Fun..Thanks Lauren for joining us!
Our Pumpkin Carving Fun :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
OKay folks, if this doesn't give you a picture fix then I am not sure how to accomplish that! There are a ton of pics from the last week or so. Enjoy!
Sick Mommy?!?
I know, I know. That whole two word sentence doesn't even make any sense but YES I am sick. How on earth does this happen. I swear its a sign to slow down but of course, that doesn't happen I just speed right on up. The kids have all been kinda on the outs, and shockingly Carina has steered clear of ANY illness so thats good.
I finally got Rian to the doc, they said No Pink eye but that it looks like he got something in it. Dirt, germies, whatever. The point is that I think they are playing it lightly because guess what. Neya got the same damn crap in her eyes. So yes. I think they are liars and I will stick to that until they prove otherwise. ON a good note, they gave us "preventative" eye drops to flush out any germies and dirt so I am giving them to both Neya and Rian. I know better than to touch eyes or area eyes and then share it so please don't lecture me, but until this doc gives the heart doctor all Rian's medical Records I need to "play nice" and respect their decision and "medical advice" that my kids don't have pink eye. Damn Doctors.
And YES you heard me correctly. They FINALLY got all Rian's medical records. Have referred us to the heart doctor and although I could have called yesterday, I did not. I blame my sickness, seriously I was in bad shape and RC and I got into it about stuff (I won't share that here...sorry...ask me in a personal level if you care to know) and then we had to drag my happy butt out of the house, which even going to Target made me cringe. Gasp, that is how you know I am sick. When I leave Target empty handed. I will be at work today, but only because I have to be as the rest of the office is out and we will be having items delivered. My nose hurts, I slept MAYBE two hours, Rian kept waking up screaming nearly every hour and my head is throbbing. However, I am alone in the office so there should be a good amount of work that gets done. HOPEFULLY.
Even bigger way to know I am sick. When I ramble. So anywho, about the heart doctor. They are in Fairfield. They are supposidly GREAT. They NOW have all our records. All I have to do is call for an appointment. I am scared. I can be honest. I am being a big baby about it. We LOVED our old heart doctor. We loved that we knew the routine when we went in, that they loved him as if they knew him from day 1, oh wait they did. Haha. And we loved the whole fact that it felt like they told us the nitty gritty, good and bad just because they knew we needed to hear it all. No sugar coating please. I am scared that this new doc won't perform to my liking, that he wont run an EKG, or do an ultrasound, that he will brush Rian off as healthy just by looking at him. I know this shouldn't happen but shoot, a mom can be scared.
Lighter Note.
We took the kids to the pumpkin patch, have gone to a halloween party, have a birthday party to attend tomorrow, have trick or treating Sunday and TODAY the girls get to wear their costumes to school for their halloween parade. Super cute. I won't be there, as I will be sitting in an office but hey, someone has to be responsible around here. Haha. If RC is reading this I am sure he just rolled his eyes ;)
Thanks guys for following our blog and don't be shy to become a "follower". I love to see who checks up on us. Pics to come later, must get to work :)
I finally got Rian to the doc, they said No Pink eye but that it looks like he got something in it. Dirt, germies, whatever. The point is that I think they are playing it lightly because guess what. Neya got the same damn crap in her eyes. So yes. I think they are liars and I will stick to that until they prove otherwise. ON a good note, they gave us "preventative" eye drops to flush out any germies and dirt so I am giving them to both Neya and Rian. I know better than to touch eyes or area eyes and then share it so please don't lecture me, but until this doc gives the heart doctor all Rian's medical Records I need to "play nice" and respect their decision and "medical advice" that my kids don't have pink eye. Damn Doctors.
And YES you heard me correctly. They FINALLY got all Rian's medical records. Have referred us to the heart doctor and although I could have called yesterday, I did not. I blame my sickness, seriously I was in bad shape and RC and I got into it about stuff (I won't share that here...sorry...ask me in a personal level if you care to know) and then we had to drag my happy butt out of the house, which even going to Target made me cringe. Gasp, that is how you know I am sick. When I leave Target empty handed. I will be at work today, but only because I have to be as the rest of the office is out and we will be having items delivered. My nose hurts, I slept MAYBE two hours, Rian kept waking up screaming nearly every hour and my head is throbbing. However, I am alone in the office so there should be a good amount of work that gets done. HOPEFULLY.
Even bigger way to know I am sick. When I ramble. So anywho, about the heart doctor. They are in Fairfield. They are supposidly GREAT. They NOW have all our records. All I have to do is call for an appointment. I am scared. I can be honest. I am being a big baby about it. We LOVED our old heart doctor. We loved that we knew the routine when we went in, that they loved him as if they knew him from day 1, oh wait they did. Haha. And we loved the whole fact that it felt like they told us the nitty gritty, good and bad just because they knew we needed to hear it all. No sugar coating please. I am scared that this new doc won't perform to my liking, that he wont run an EKG, or do an ultrasound, that he will brush Rian off as healthy just by looking at him. I know this shouldn't happen but shoot, a mom can be scared.
Lighter Note.
We took the kids to the pumpkin patch, have gone to a halloween party, have a birthday party to attend tomorrow, have trick or treating Sunday and TODAY the girls get to wear their costumes to school for their halloween parade. Super cute. I won't be there, as I will be sitting in an office but hey, someone has to be responsible around here. Haha. If RC is reading this I am sure he just rolled his eyes ;)
Thanks guys for following our blog and don't be shy to become a "follower". I love to see who checks up on us. Pics to come later, must get to work :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Poor Baby...
As a mom they warn you of poopy diapers and vomit and the lack of sleep and all those things that you typically hear of new mothers and the "fun times ahead". What they don't warn you about is seeing your kid sick and sad and miserable. We all know Rian has had his hard times and for the most part he is in the clear and "normal" by all accounts. We get to thinking..he will be alright and then nothing major happens but he develops a cough, no big deal we send him to daycare, then he comes home and BAM...has pink eye. WTF. They don't warn you to keep your kids locked in a bubble in order to stay away from all germies. He has had a runny nose and made me sad, but he just had a cold till yesterday. Its days like RC texting me to tell me that Rian woke up with his poor little eye covered in gunk and telling him "daddy my eye", that just make my heart sad. It makes me realize that he is NORMAL, but we are also extra sensitive to when he has a cold.
Example. Yesterday I called about his cough. This was BEFORE I even knew he may get Pink Eye. Said he had a cough for a couple days, no fever as of yet but wanted to get him looked at. As we all know, last time we went through this he ended up with pneumonia literally overnight. So we are a little cautious. We are going to a new doctor here in CA so they have NO idea how we are, told us they would call us back if the doctor wanted to see us. They called back an hour later and said "the doctor doesn't feel as though his syptoms warrant a visit, its just a common cold, call us in two weeks if the cough persists". Seriously. WTF. I mean I get it, any other kid, a cold is a cold, they get over it. A cold for Rian is not SEVERE but can turn severe if not treated, looked into etc. THey just don't get it. I cried. I literally cried when I got off the phone. I just wanted my old doctors back. Then of course, almost as if someone KNEW I was upset about not getting an appointment they came down, and POOF, gave Rian Pink Eye. Haha. I know it sounds silly but honestly this is a blessing in a VERY odd and miserable disguise. He know gets to get seen, he now gets to have his chest listened to and of course get his eye taken care of. I mean I know you are probably reading this thinking "crazy mom". I get it. Before Rian I probably would have said the same thing. I look at things soo differnet now.
Anywho, the good news is, he most likely does just have a cold and now of course, pink eye. He will get antibiotics and maybe even a whooping cough vaccine that they REFUSED to give us before because they didnt have his records inputted yet...and perhaps now I will sleep easier knowing I have a "normal/sick kid" Haha.
On a lighter less "crazy mom" note here are two pics from the pumpkin patch field trip he went on. He probably got licked in the eye by a goat who licked itself or ate poop off the floor (the goat, not Rian) and thats how he got pink eye. Gross. LOL.

And of course as if I am not already a proud mommy and proud "honorary aunt" I am also a "real aunt" and no this does not mean I love my "honorary nephews" any less...but I have had plenty of time to gush over them so for today...here is a pic of our newest Nephew. Collin is healthy and at home, mommy is tired and I am sure...greatful for Grandmas help. I am of course jealous that I am not there holding him and squishing his chubby little cheeks! LOL.
Example. Yesterday I called about his cough. This was BEFORE I even knew he may get Pink Eye. Said he had a cough for a couple days, no fever as of yet but wanted to get him looked at. As we all know, last time we went through this he ended up with pneumonia literally overnight. So we are a little cautious. We are going to a new doctor here in CA so they have NO idea how we are, told us they would call us back if the doctor wanted to see us. They called back an hour later and said "the doctor doesn't feel as though his syptoms warrant a visit, its just a common cold, call us in two weeks if the cough persists". Seriously. WTF. I mean I get it, any other kid, a cold is a cold, they get over it. A cold for Rian is not SEVERE but can turn severe if not treated, looked into etc. THey just don't get it. I cried. I literally cried when I got off the phone. I just wanted my old doctors back. Then of course, almost as if someone KNEW I was upset about not getting an appointment they came down, and POOF, gave Rian Pink Eye. Haha. I know it sounds silly but honestly this is a blessing in a VERY odd and miserable disguise. He know gets to get seen, he now gets to have his chest listened to and of course get his eye taken care of. I mean I know you are probably reading this thinking "crazy mom". I get it. Before Rian I probably would have said the same thing. I look at things soo differnet now.
Anywho, the good news is, he most likely does just have a cold and now of course, pink eye. He will get antibiotics and maybe even a whooping cough vaccine that they REFUSED to give us before because they didnt have his records inputted yet...and perhaps now I will sleep easier knowing I have a "normal/sick kid" Haha.
On a lighter less "crazy mom" note here are two pics from the pumpkin patch field trip he went on. He probably got licked in the eye by a goat who licked itself or ate poop off the floor (the goat, not Rian) and thats how he got pink eye. Gross. LOL.
And of course as if I am not already a proud mommy and proud "honorary aunt" I am also a "real aunt" and no this does not mean I love my "honorary nephews" any less...but I have had plenty of time to gush over them so for today...here is a pic of our newest Nephew. Collin is healthy and at home, mommy is tired and I am sure...greatful for Grandmas help. I am of course jealous that I am not there holding him and squishing his chubby little cheeks! LOL.

Friday, October 22, 2010
Girls' School Pictures
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Our Nephew!
We want to send out a quick "we love you" to Dusty and Stacy and say that we are soo proud of them and their new BIG bundle of joy! He is handsome as can be and we cannot wait to meet him, which will sadly be another few weeks! BOO! We love you guys and we are sure that you will make fantastic parents. There will be ups and downs, tears and smiles but their will also be an insane amount of love and adoration all for that bundle of joy! So to all the reading fans...(I know there have to be some out there) here is a couple pics of the new baby boy! Collin James Strickland 7lbs 10oz 20 inches Born at ROUGHLY 9pm (I can admit I didn't ask exact time...I was only worried about health and size...bad auntie drea!!)
I don't have a pic of mommy and baby just yet but here is a sweet pic of daddy and baby Collin!
Mommy Dusty was in labor for nearly 30 hours off and on (mostly on) went through two epidural bags and had to feel contractions every 2-3 minutes all the way up until they just decided he wants to come in with a bang sooo a c-section it is. Good thing to cause he was a big baby boy for such a tiny mommy. We also have a very happy and excited cousin who was up with us when we got the pics and he kept saying "I hold collin"..and "I see baby" and it was adorable so here is a quick video of Rian welcoming little baby Collin!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
TONS of pictures...FINALLY...
It has been FOREVER since I have posted a good blog post with TONS of pics so here it is. I will also start this post of by saying I will be an Aunty for the first time (to an actual RELATIVES baby) and I am soo excited. Dusty and Stacy should be welcoming in Baby Collin sometime in the next 24 hours and I am so excited.
I will also take a moment to say thank you to those little men that have also let me be their auntie..."JackJack", "big p", "Xman", "oah", "dayday"...I love you all my sweet little men!
Date Day! We finally got to take a whole day to do nothing but enjoy one another. We went to lunch at Morimoto Restaurant...Iron Chef Morimoto that is! It was amazing and now that we have SEEN the food we will be more daring next time. So yummy, even the Red Pepper Sorbet! We then went to see the Facebook movie which also was REALLY good. Amazing how smart some people can be. Ugh, I can only dream. We had a great day, we didn't have the kids all night, we had a couple drinks, we went by a friends, we went home, we slept in. It was great!

We went to Six Flags a couple weekends ago with the Snook fam. It was hectic and crazy and just to name a few things that went on here goes...the stroller latch broke, we lost a season pass (we knew before we went but whatever), we replaced said pass, we waited for one of the kids to be done blowing up the bathroom for about 30 minutes, we pushed around a stroller full of 4 toddlers, we ate at mcdonalds for the monopoly pieces then I washed said Monopoly pieces in my shorts that night, we only rode a few rides, the kids only had a few meltdowns and I STILL haven't watched a damn show. Time to go again! Thank heavens for season passes!

I had to post this picture. Do you SEE what Neya dresses herself in. LOL. Rainbows, Plaid and PLENTY of pink and purple. Gotta love that kid. She does look pretty cute though...

Carina decided to NOT have a HUGE party and just have a couple friends over, so we did just that. We had our closest family and her closest friends. She had a sleepover, we made yummy food (Pizza, Hot dogs wrapped in croissants and her fave potato chips) it was a junk food junkies dream! We of course made home made cupcakes, Funfetti cupcakes, purplose frosting topped with nerds. She had a blast and so did we. I realized that your kids are getting older when presents mostly consist of gift cards and cash. ugh. Can't she just be young again!

RC officially signed his third location, which was cause for celebration. We went out for margaritas and mexican food, which he had been craving for a while. We had a blast and yes I was in some pics but I looked HUGE in comparison to RC and sometimes you can fool the camera, sometimes you can't SOOO since I couldnt fool it this night I opted to NOT post the pic of us. I swear I do love him just not enough to post my 'fat pics' online.

Quick visit to Grandmas house (Great Grandma to the kids) along with my stepdad Rich and my little bro Richie, do note, Richie is actually shorter than Carina and two months younger, some day Carina will appreciate that I wrote that in stone on the interwebz. She wasn't with us to visit Grandma as she was at a friends and this trip as kind of last minute but she was there in thought ;)

Lazy Sunday made for a good excuse for me to use my telephoto lens. I stood all the way in the hallway just to take this pic (and it was even zoomed in!)
I will also take a moment to say thank you to those little men that have also let me be their auntie..."JackJack", "big p", "Xman", "oah", "dayday"...I love you all my sweet little men!
Date Day! We finally got to take a whole day to do nothing but enjoy one another. We went to lunch at Morimoto Restaurant...Iron Chef Morimoto that is! It was amazing and now that we have SEEN the food we will be more daring next time. So yummy, even the Red Pepper Sorbet! We then went to see the Facebook movie which also was REALLY good. Amazing how smart some people can be. Ugh, I can only dream. We had a great day, we didn't have the kids all night, we had a couple drinks, we went by a friends, we went home, we slept in. It was great!
We went to Six Flags a couple weekends ago with the Snook fam. It was hectic and crazy and just to name a few things that went on here goes...the stroller latch broke, we lost a season pass (we knew before we went but whatever), we replaced said pass, we waited for one of the kids to be done blowing up the bathroom for about 30 minutes, we pushed around a stroller full of 4 toddlers, we ate at mcdonalds for the monopoly pieces then I washed said Monopoly pieces in my shorts that night, we only rode a few rides, the kids only had a few meltdowns and I STILL haven't watched a damn show. Time to go again! Thank heavens for season passes!
I had to post this picture. Do you SEE what Neya dresses herself in. LOL. Rainbows, Plaid and PLENTY of pink and purple. Gotta love that kid. She does look pretty cute though...
Carina decided to NOT have a HUGE party and just have a couple friends over, so we did just that. We had our closest family and her closest friends. She had a sleepover, we made yummy food (Pizza, Hot dogs wrapped in croissants and her fave potato chips) it was a junk food junkies dream! We of course made home made cupcakes, Funfetti cupcakes, purplose frosting topped with nerds. She had a blast and so did we. I realized that your kids are getting older when presents mostly consist of gift cards and cash. ugh. Can't she just be young again!
RC officially signed his third location, which was cause for celebration. We went out for margaritas and mexican food, which he had been craving for a while. We had a blast and yes I was in some pics but I looked HUGE in comparison to RC and sometimes you can fool the camera, sometimes you can't SOOO since I couldnt fool it this night I opted to NOT post the pic of us. I swear I do love him just not enough to post my 'fat pics' online.
Quick visit to Grandmas house (Great Grandma to the kids) along with my stepdad Rich and my little bro Richie, do note, Richie is actually shorter than Carina and two months younger, some day Carina will appreciate that I wrote that in stone on the interwebz. She wasn't with us to visit Grandma as she was at a friends and this trip as kind of last minute but she was there in thought ;)
Lazy Sunday made for a good excuse for me to use my telephoto lens. I stood all the way in the hallway just to take this pic (and it was even zoomed in!)
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