Also. I have never been the person to fall into trends, or see something cute on TV and HAVE to have it or even care what an outfit looks like on me for that matter. I have a horrible sense of fashion, however I was watching Kate Plus 8 (yes you can laugh for my choice of shows...but I LOVE IT) and I saw her wearing this shirt. I avoided buying it for a couple days, but could not stop thinking about how CUTE it was. SO I caved. I figured. I have been moving, being a single mom and all the while not really done anything for myself so here it is. A shirt that I LOVE. Now I bought it in a medium and uh...lets just say its form fitting. GAWD I need to lose some weight. Anywho, here are some pics of the MUST HAVE Shirt that I saw...GASP...on a reality show :)
Now, last post I told you about our living situation. I told you about our 12x6 square in our garage and well, here are some pics to prove that we are down to bare bones. CRAZY when you really look at it this way.
And to end this, a funny pic of Rian in a bag...Note the name of the restaurant ;)