Friday night was chill, not much going on, and Saturday morning we started it with donuts and a trip to the IMAX to go see Toy Story 3 in 3d. I have been to a lot of 3d movies and Sequels and NONE were as good as the Toy Story 3 one. It was GREAT. I may be biast as I love Toy Story in general but it even had me tearing up (I think I'm getting old cause I have lost control of my tear ducts...I cry at everything). The rest of the afternoon was chill, we headed home and at 530 we took the kids to the neighbors and Alison Dave and I got ready for a grown up night out!
We headed out to Hooters around 7 and grubbed out with friends, had good laughs and oddly, bonded with a friends wife that I have only met a couple times but feel OOBER close to. They are struggling with having a baby and we got on the subject. It makes my heart hurt when I have friends so close that have such a hard time having a baby but are SOOO deserving. I don't want to put them out on blast on my Blog to much but I do want to say that I absolutely adore them and wish only the best. I will do whatever they need, even if its just sends words of encouragement, throughout their entire journey. I love you know who you are!
Sorry, kinda got off the track there, after Hooters wings and FRIED Pickles (Nom Nom Nom) we headed over to Fox and Hound to play some pool, play some darts and chat it up. The turnout was small and intimate and I realized it was PERFECT. The folks I could have expected to show up did and I even had a little surprise by one gentleman who to be honest, I am soo proud of. I saw him grow from an Intern to where he is now and am proud to say he "grew up" on my team. Anywho, we all caught up, stayed out till 130 (well some of us did) and then headed home where we discovered McDonalds closes out their shake and ice cream machines at 12! LAME. Really McDonalds. Why be 24 hours if I can't even get a shake!
Sunday was Fathers Day, we were fatherless (in presence) so instead we got Dave (Jacks dad and mine and Alisons DD from the night before) Coffee and Donuts. We also had a carpet cleaner come and clean up the carpets. Which to be honest was kinda gross, it brought up animal pee smell and I KNOW our dogs and cat did not do that (minus a couple accidents) so the previous renters little tiny Chihuahuas had to be the culprits. I mean if that ate and scratched at all the door frames I can only imagine how much they peed on the carpets. Anywho, as the carpets were cleaned and I have now grossed you out in a major way, you will be glad to know that Alison and Dave took Neya and Rian to Maricopa with them and I kept Carina as we had to sit for some friends at 330. While Neya and Rian most likely got spoiled I decided to do the same for Carina, it has been a while since I had a day or even afternoon alone with just her. So we went to see Karate Kid, ate lunch, went to Best Buy, Target and Old Navy (she had a gift card). She got some jammies and a backpack and to be honest, it was a much needed daughter/mommy day. Also note, Karate Kid was SOO good.
After the movie we watched our neighbors kids for about an hour, and took them to get ice cream McFlurrys (it was the next day so they NOW had the stupid machine open) and they enjoyed a fun time. I enjoyed seeing them together and it also made me kind of sad, mostly because these are friends Carina and Neya have known for 6 years so to say goodbye is going to be hard. They ate, had fun, were silly and even had a photo shoot in the middle of McDonalds. Haha. In fact an older couple said to me "it is nice to see a parent letting the kids enjoy themselves, these days people are in such a rush!" So kudos to me I suppose.
JUST After such a great time my landlord decided to call and tell us she needed partial rent for July and wanted us to repaint a couple walls. SERIOUSLY, she is telling me this 6 days before I leave. I seriously flew off the handle. My relaxing night I had planned was now thrown into a whirlwind. I went and grabbed Rian and Neya from Maricopa (there went TWO hours of my life) I went to Target and grabbed some cheap paint crap (we already had the actual paint color at the house) and went home. I decided not to paint that night as it put me in a horrid mood so instead we covered the FRESHLY cleaned and somewhat moist carpets in towels and blankets. Blocked off every area but our sleeping area and the bathrooms and had a night at home. We skyped with RC and well, that was it. Why COMPLETELY ruin the kids good night just because we had a little bit of rushed and somewhat crappy news. So this week, my goal is to paint those walls and then be good. She comes by on Wednesday so hopefully we get the stamp of approval. UGH.
Well that sums up our weekend. I also bought a book to read, as it will help me destress. I am going to take the TV down this week and patch the holes from our wall anchor and then SERIOUSLY we will be good to go. Kinda crazy that this is the last week. Makes me sad and emotional but hopefully it will all be okay. I have kept in touch with my CA friends since being here and I hope to do the same with my AZ friends. I do NOT want to lose touch.
Anywho, now we have the pictures. ENJOY!
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