After much postponing here is the story:
1130am: Drive to the social security office in the SCALDING heat and super hot dark colored car that takes forever for the AC to kick on. Now it was close enough, only at 59th Ave (which is literally like 8 minutes away. Get all the kids OUT of the car, just as the AC decided to kick on, walk in, get stopped by the security guard who tells me that I am at the wrong office to do a name change. OF COURSE it couldn't have SERIOUSLY been that easy.
11:53am: Get all the way back in the car (which seems to have heated up in the 2 minutes it was parked), the kids are now whining cause they are SOO thirsty, so I bribe them (yes in the heat and in dire need bribing is acceptable in our house)and tell them we will go to daddies work and get icees if they just shush and let us run the errand that is soo important. So important of course that I have put it off for nearly 4 months. Whoops.
1221pm: Get ALLLLL the way to the other social security office, two of the three kids are passed out, and I am dreading waking them all up and going to sit in an office for gawd knows how long. BUT, of course, there is no turning back now. I wake them all up, Rian wakes up smiling, Carina was already awake and still grouchy and then there is Neya. She moaned, griped, kicked and well...did anything to make me want to pack them all up and forget we had ever left the house. NOW, once I reminded her we were getting slurpees (unless of course her attitude stayed poopy) she shaped up and was my angel child.
1225pm: Get in the social security office, get my bag checked and have a brief encounter with the security guard. Here is our conversation:
Me: Hey there, nothing in there that shouldn't be, unless formula is now a bomb threat
SG: You would be surprised what we find.
Me: Haha. Oh. Weird silence.
SG: Reason for coming here today?
Me: Name change.
SG: Did you get married or divorced.
Me: (first wondering why it matters)...Married.
SG: Oh. Sorry. Your number is E59.
(meanwhile the girls are STOKED because Paul Blart Mall Cop is playing on the TV and Rian is spitting raspberries on my shoulder and for whatever reason I am beginning to sweat even though the AC is on what seems be the temp of Alaska.)
I had to laugh that he said sorry all straigh faced, I wonder if they send Security Guard to humor camp cause he must have missed the whole part where they teach you to smile when you tell a joke.
1231..or so: I get my number, go to sit down and my number gets called....
I go to my window, #3, and it is an old guy who is actively joking around with the ladies at the counter next to him, has me recite my social security number, hand over my card (which he voids and simmultaneously my heart kinda jumps) and he looks at the marriage certificate, and then BAM, there goes a vase of pens that Rian knocks over. ha. Never silent in my life. The gentleman laughs, talks about is grandkids, taps away at his computer, walks away, then prints out this piece of paper and SHAZAAM I am legally a Hernandez!!!
Whoa. So of course being the photo happy person that I am I take a pic of the paper on my phone and send it to my husband and here it is, a pic just for all of you.

When I went to copy this pic to my phone I also noticed some other funny and cute random pics either I have taken on my phone or that I saved on my phone from emails from friends we have hung around with so here those are as well... ENJOY!

Congrats Mrs. Hernandez! I put you in my phone that way right after the wedding and now I have to really pay attention when I get a text. Elianna's Mom is Adriana Hernandez and at first glance yesterday I got a text from her, but in my mind was thinking it was from you. After 20 seconds of it not making sense coming from you I realized it was her... I guess I need to read closer. hehee. Hope the kids enjoyed the icees, I have a feeling bribing may happen in our house every once in awhile too.