She exceeding in reading and math! WOOHOO. Who would have thought that Carina would score high in reading. She is my little reading machine. They also said she did GREAT in comprehension which was part of the reading section (she got 6 of 6 questions right) and that was always the toughest thing for her but apparently under pressure she does great! We are so proud of our little scholar. Hehe.
and NOW....
When Carina was born they didn't have ANY cool baby food meal type things.
When Laneya was born they just came out with them probably (between '99 and '04) and she hated them. Wanted nothing to do with them
Of course Rian our kid who has done everything BACKWARDS to the girls...which includes:
NOT sleeping through the night yet
Hating carseats and car trips
LOVING to move around, and get into mischief
The first kids that actually gives me NO CHOICE but to baby proof
As if that list wasn't already enough he now has proven to LOVE the little Gerber Graduate foods. Haha. It is good though, makes it easier for babysitters and such so yeah, needless to say the first experience feeding him these was cute. OH and the other thing he HATES HATES HATES was taking baths in the sink...but when you feed him food in the highchair DOWNSTAIRS its really hard to take him upstairs, get bath ready and NOT get food that has stuck to him all they way there. I am all about Hansel and Gretel and their little crumb trail but not when its from my dining room to my upstairs bathroom. SOOOO we found a trick. We now fill the sink with bubbles and he LOVES IT. Unless of course he is tired. He is getting a bit big now to fit in the sink but hey...EVERY MOM gives their kids baths in the sink at some point, we just started a little later than most ;)
Enjoy the pics from his Gerber Graduates bonanza!!!
Way to go Rina! Loving the Rian pictures. Hey... I just now realized you only have to swap the last two letters to make their names. Ha, sure you realized that a LONG time ago. What can I say... I am a dork!
ReplyDeleteI know isn't that FUNNY!!! Its funnier cause I only call Rina, RINA, in these blogs or in Email, otherwise we always call her Carina. LOL. Poor kids have so many different names.