Thursday, September 8, 2011

Not so little anymore!

Three years ago today my little man was brought into this world with only a hope and a prayer to his name as well as of course some really good doctors who I was hoping had my sons best interest at heart (no pun intended). As everyone knows we were told, surgery in no more than two weeks, we waited 9 days (talk about last minute!), we were told second surgery probably by 1 or 2 (if at all), we were told sickness was higher risk for him, we ended up in the hospital twice, once being in ICU again, and out of all of that I sit here today and only want to remember the good. Rian has over come so many things in his short lifetime and he did all of it with a smile on his face. He is a strong little man and although you love every child equally he has helped me to love all of them even more. His gentle nature, his quick sense of humor, his shyness when he realizes all eyes are on him, his ability to understand his own feelings and desire to learn all he can soak up and his joy for life is all that makes me appreciate what is good in our world. I never thought I would be at a point where I said I think I am feeling secure in his life and how few struggles I see ahead of him and being able to feel that today makes me grin from cheek to cheek. Never will I forget the rough times, but always will I focus on the good.

Here are a few things that Rian has got going on his world:

- He loves to watch Thomas the Train (or anything related to any type of automobile really)

- He still plays with cars at any chance possible

- He weighs almost as much as his 7 year old sister (She is just 'miniature')

- He can count to 10 with no help and 20 with help

- He knows his ABC's

- He knows his colors (for some reason Red can still throw him off)

- He can dress/undress himself but seems to be lazy still so he oftens asks for help

- He stands to pee (yes he is finally potty trained!)

- He now has a say in the clothes/shoes he wears (little diva in training...I blame the older sisters)

- He terrorizes the dog on the daily but loves her oh so much

- He knows how to work mom and dad in order to get whatever he desires

- He chooses apples over fries

- He loves Fruit Snacks

- He is a big fan of movies

- He sleeps through the night without wetting the bed

- He is in the 3yr class at Preschool and loves ALL of his teachers and friends

- He can now officially ride his bike on his own

- He memorizes almost any song that comes on the radio (and makes up songs which is hilarious)

- He sits through all movies in the theatre now

- He is slowly figuring out how to 'write' his name (by tracing)

- He is always willing to help pick up or be part of a team

- He loves to play games and do puzzles

- He loves to be read to

- He throws fits like no other but also knows when mommies means business

- He always asks to ride in the 'car' carts at the store (and I always say they are broke down)

- If he doesnt want to do something and then you act like you want to, he is quick to jump on the wagon :)

- He loves to have his picture taken

- He hates bandaids with a passion, doesnt want to see them, touch them, have them on him, nothing. He will however stick them on his cars when they are 'sick'

So many things our little man does and loves and thats just a glimpse. I am so proud to be his mommy and I can't wait for many more years of smiles, laughs and even tears.

Happy Birthday Little man! We love you so so much!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Rian! We love you oh so very much and are glad you are part of our world. Can't wait to celebrate on Sunday!!!!



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