Anywho, we ended up going trick or treating by her house and unfortunately they had left before us (We ate dinner late) so we were all alone but the neighborhood was awesome, just as she had promised. We hit a ton of houses and out of all the kids Neya was the most scared. I guess she is getting to that "this could hurt me" or "whats lurking behind those bushes" age of questioning EVERYTHING. Maybe our kids won't sneak out after all when they get older. Haha.
Either way, Rian said Trick or Treat, the kids all walked around, we took pics in front of neatly decorated total tourists, RC and I had fun and after we were done getting candy we visited with Mel and the fam. Saw her cute pregnant belly and can't wait for yet another honorary niece or nephew to be born. I guess since Mel and I have been friends for nearly 15 years its more like a real niece or nephew butttttt I don't wanna take that shine away from baby Collin...whom we also have a few halloween pics of...check those out at the end :)
We had a great night and here are the very few pics I was able to snag.
Happy Halloween from Baby Collin as well...Dusty if you are reading this just know your son is now going to become a permanent fixture of this blog as I could not be more proud to be his aunty!

All in all another successful Holiday here in Napa. I will be honest we did talk about past halloweens in AZ, and how we miss it but the life out here ain't bad and having family around makes it more bearable and even enjoyable than I could have thought! Crazy.
On a slightly different note. I made a heart appointment for Rian at a Pediatric Cardiologist and although I could have called a week or two ago, I waited. Ugh. The thought of going to a new doc and hearing new things scares me but I have to go in and remember. HELLO he is healthy by all counts and he will NOT need to have that second surgery that they keep scaring us with. OH and the great part is that the doc is based out of Oakland but has a fairfield office and apparently a NAPA office. AND we got an appointment in the napa office! WOOHOO. The even better part, they said that the appts average about 30 minutes and thats with an echo ultrasound and an EKG. CRAZY! I think our doc in AZ just liked letting us get a day off. Haha. THese docs are all business. Good and bad I suppose ;)
Well we will keep you updated and special birthday wishes going out to Grandpa Rudy today...may you be blessed with many more years of reaking havoc and enjoying your family and grandkids!!!!
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