A lot has gone on since I last WROTE on the blog, I know, I know, lots of pics and not a whole lot of anything else since I last wrote that we were going to move to CA! Well that has changed, kind of and we have also visited with MORE friends. We had some time with the Snook family in Sedona (and a night in Scottsdale) that was TONS of fun. They make me realize we are normal and that sometimes a night in is more fun than a night out full of stress and angry babies. Haha. I hadn't seen them or their twins since September of last year so I was super excited. It was sort of rainy and cold the couple days we were there, but we didn't let that stop us, we enjoyed some movies, the girls enjoyed some swimming and we enjoyed some drinks, good convos and lots of laughs.
We talked about baby experiences and then of course came the question of "when are you going to move down to CA". It's kind of funny because I have avoided the question and avoided blogging about it because to be quite honest it's become a very hard decision for us. The outcome ended up being that I would stay here for AT LEAST 6 months with the kiddos so that RC can secure his new business and we wouldn't have to uproot just in case it all fell through. I don't want to say that I don't believe in him because I do, but given the economy and the fact that I am a worry wart I could not find the strength to uproot my job, my kids and our life here without being 100 bazillion percent sure it was all going to work out. If you are reading this and thinking "girl, don't you always say you work a ton" well yes. I do. In fact that is what scares me the most so I sat with my boss (whether I shot myself in the foot or not, I'm not sure) and I let him know the situation and told him that for now while I am on my own out here I have to work from 8-5. This will make it so that I can get the girls ready for school and the boy home from daycare on time while still HOPEFULLY managing time to stay "sane".
I am going to miss RC dearly as will the kids, but again, this was the best decision we could make for us given the situation and the fact that my job here is for now...stable. Ugh yes, you heard uncertainty in my voice. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but I don't always know if I am doing a good job at my job and with all the crazy things going on and employees (maybe even me) not living up to potential or holding others accountable it leaves me in a scary place. You just never know when your job is on the line and that doesn't make you feel very comfortable. ON a good note, I will be able to stop traveling to Chicago (good and bad...I have learned to really like the folks out there) but it will give me the ability to FINALLY focus on my teams out here, and HOPEFULLY make a BIG improvement in the near future. It kills me to know I am not currently living up to what they want me to achieve. I guess that's what you get when you strive to be the best, they eventually find a position you suck at. Poo.
Well thats that for moving, we have a busy couple weeks, and let me tell ya, I don't see it slowing down much after that since I will be a husbandless wife here in AZ while he enjoys sleeping through a whole night, no bratty kids and well...not hearing me nag him about garbage that needs to be taken out or how he didn't fold towels properly. haha. Monday I will be off on my last trip to Chi-town and return Friday. Wednesday is RC's last day of work so he will be spending it with the kids, and that weekend we will spend as much time as possible together and MOnday I will start my new life as a husbandless wife. Darn him. haha. I contemplated started a new blog called just that "Confessions of a Husbandless Wife" and to be honest I still might do it considering I don't want to rant and rave of my rough sleepless nights or crazy dinners or what not on our FAMILY page. Hrm, keep it here on the Hernandez Clan page or start my very own "rant page". Hehe.
Well all, here are some pics from Sedona and the last well..few days I guess. Happy Almost Easter :)
Awwww I love you, and I must say I give you a lot of credit. You both work so well as a team, I cannot imagine what you might be feeling right now, but I TOTALLY understand you not going until you are sure. I am a planner, and I know you are too and that is TOTALLY what I would do. Your house is amazing, your schools are amazing, and I myself often question moving to Peoria or there abouts for good schools, bigger houses, yayaydayyadaya. I guess you know that huh? Cause I say it ALL the time! But at the end of the day, you go where your heart takes you, you go where you feel comfortable, and you do what is best for your WHOLE family! I too realized just how real you guys make me feel, so nice to be able to just be myself and well...um... take a little nap and let a little bugger blow out his diaper so that the Mama who was coming down with something could take a little nap. Ya know, I hadn't napped since they were just a month or so old until that day. Vacay is tiring! I wish we would have had more time and well... maybe some time in nice weather Scottsdale, but..... we always have Vegas! Childless VEGAS, how will I survive? How will you survive? Love you guys, and we are always here if you need anything.