So this year was the first year since RC and I have been TOGETHER that we have not had one shred of family nor one friend in town, stop by or anything. It was good and bad all at the same time. We made tons of food, had some plans that fell through but all in all we had a relaxing day. We woke up at a decent time, cooked our turkey, made some pies, hung some christmas lights and watched about 5 movies! Yep. MOVIES. That was the excitement of our day :) The funniest part of the day was when we went to go hang the start of our christmas lights. Hanging them on the garage and on a front window was fine and easy but over the door way and such was quite high. We do not have a ladder and what did we use you ask. Well, we went totally GHETTO fab and had RC standing on our garbage can. Haha. Sorry no pics but it was pretty fun none the less :)
Movies Included:
Hannah Montana the MOVIE...OHHHH...AHHHH...yep that was on while we cooked :)
A Christmas Clause...cheesy lifetime/ABC Family type movie, but cute none the less
Four Christmases...funny but not GREAT...nuff said!
Funny People...good movie, Adam Sandler NOT in a goofy role always pleases me
The Goods...Silly movie about car salesman, funny, good laughs
Well here are just a few pics from our day but again, it was pretty laid back so even I took a rest from the camera. IN FACT, the fam was better about ASKING me to take pics than I was at actually taking them. SHOCK. I know!

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