Carina: Mom, so Teddy asked me out.
(I roll my eyes, since when do 4th graders have boyfriends...oh man...)
Mom: Oh yeah and what did you say?
Carina: I said I woudl think about it, and then I talked to Emma and she said "only go out with him if you really like him or else thats not cool to have a boyfriend you don't really like"
(Very insightful of her friend, must be why they moved her up a grade...yep, insightful 5th grader, which I actually ADORE)
Mom: So what did you decide?
Carina: Well I don't know if I really LIKE HIM LIKE HIM, so I am going to think about it.
(Phew, she might be boy smart after all)
(Carina blushes)
Mom: Oh yeah, I thought you didn't like him?
(hopes she makes her little girl break up with "said boyfriend"
Carina: Well, I realized I do
(and this is where it gets funny)
Carina: So mom, we were walking and all our friends kept singing this dumb k-i-s-s-i-n-g songs and we were hanging out and...
(Neya cuts in)
Neya: Uh Mom
Carina: Neya, hold on! So, they were all singing this song and we told them to stop and then my friend, like, asking him if he like, LIKED me, and he said, she's my girlfriend, and then he said, i like her more than my scooter (or something silly, by now I am just totally not wanting to hear how my daughter has been sucked into a relationship...AT TEN!!!) and then we, like, went to walk away and we looked at eachother and we said..."what now" and I was like, I dunno, and he was like, I dunno, and then we hugged and Yep, he's my boyfriend
(Carina rolls her eyes because neya always tries to steal her thunder)
Mom: Sure tell me Ney
(she grins wickedly)
Neya: I have TWO boyfriends
And this is where it's not so funny. LOL. Apparently I have my hands full already and they aren't even in their teens.
Wish us luck.