So for our wedding our friends Gabe and Tiff gave us a few days in their timeshare anywhere we wanted to go pretty much, we chose Sedona, and it was amazing. Granted the initial trip was supposed to be minus the munchkins, it was actually a lot of fun WITH them as well. We realized that our lives now are much different than they were even though as a couple we have ALWAYS had "kids, it is now LIGHTYEARS different with THREE kids.
So. The first day we ended up leaving a little later than we originally expected and the last half hour was torture as Rian STILL hadn't had a nap and he was NOT going to fall asleep in the car. Of course! So when we finally got there (we left at lunch time) we were STARVING and tired and soo ready to stretch our legs. Then we quickly realized we all have mild cases of ADD (kidding of course), as we all got sidetracked with shops and UFO's and such. We took mini detours before catching a bite to eat at the RED ROCK CAFE at a little shopping strip where the girls found bracelets and necklaces and a UFO shop that was closed, but we stopped and took a quick pic anyways :)
After we ate we headed to the grocery story to pick up some munchie type snacks for the kiddos and once we got back to the condo/room (not quite sure how to classify it) we got on o ur bathing suits and headed out for a nighttime swim. One of the greatest joys of Arizona is pretty much being able to swim NEARLY year round and at ANY hour of the day. I love it, the kids loved and it was the perfect way to wind down from our OF COURSE hectic first day :)
Then of course, day 2 rolled around. We had big plans for that day. We had intended to go on a Pink Jeep Tour but in order to get the full fun affect and go on the bumpy bumpy one the baby had to be 18 months or older. As sturdy as he is he is still only 11 months and although they said "it was our choice" I decided to play it safe rather than have my babies brain shaken about for a couple hours in order for the rest of us to have a good time. hehe. Lucky him, good thing we love him. So instead we went BACK to the UFO shop, we hung out with some aliens, we went to another little shopping center called TLAQUEPAQUE. It had some GREAT little novelty shops, a cute jewelry store and even a toy store. So cute. The kids enjoyed the toy store as well as checking out some of the really unique metal sculptures. We went to a magic shop where the kids totally scored, learned some magic tricks and hung out with the crazy magic lady who was ACTUALLY really really nice. Then we ended the day with a trip to SLIDE Rock. It was soo much fun. We went to this Slide Rock National Park, and when we FINALLY saw it, were pretty impressed. The "slides" are pretty much smoothed down rock, and the water from "wherever" runs through it and is just soo much fun. Cold, but SUPER fun.
Day 3 was pretty hectic. We woke up, had breakfast at a cute little place where the views were amazing, we walked aroudn some more shops, took some cute pics, had some frozen lemonades, we sat through a lecture on TimeShares and they ALMOST convinced us to purchase one but now we are glad we didn't sign on any dotted lines. We had a time we NEEDED to be home so the trip ended pretty abruptly but the whole "Weekend" was pretty good overall. Despite of course the fact that Rian didn't sleep very good either night, the girls of course wanted more more more and RC and I didn't even get to enjoy the Sauna Tub! OH well, next time I suppose!
This amazing trip wouldn't have been possible without Gabe and Tiff so thank you guys for your GENEROUS and thoughtful gift!!! We love you guys!!!
Awwwww you are so welcome. Glad someone could use it! Looks like you had a great time, oh and glad you didn't buy. :-)