Rina went into 4th grade. Talk about realizing how old you are! She was the hardest to get ready in the AM. The hair needed to be straightened, hairsprayed, puffed and primped and her outfit needs to be just right. Needless to say she looked absolutely adorable but I also think this is the last year I am going to be able to take pics or even drop her off in front of her class as now she will be "too cool" for us so we took advantage and I got some cute pics of her but not nearly as many as Rian and Neya, darn her for growing up! Haha :)

Neya, Neya, Neya! Off to Kindergarten she goes :) Lucky for me she is still young enough to NOT get embarrassed by mom and snapping away with the camera! Haha. she was super excited. It wasnt her first time in her class, we went on Friday for meet the teacher day but it was the first time really seeing all her new classmates. She was RELALY shy but according to her sister that was short lived because while in the lunch room Neya was cracking up with her newly found friends! Yay Neya! Needless to say after 5 minutes of us sitting in the class he was ready for us to leave and get on with her day. Whoever said independant kids were easier than dependant ones was a liar! I wish they cried or even CARED when I left, instead our kids are more into growing up :(

The girls did REALLY good and although it is still sad to see them grow up I am glad they are always excited to start a new adventure and now that leaves THE BOY!
He was the hardest of the day. Given his start in life, and how touchy they made daycare seem (not even a SHRED of daycare for the first 6 months)it was REALLY hard to make myself believe this was the best thing for him AND us. He has NEVER had an issue being left with a sitter or meeting new people but this was still a new adventure for ALL of us and one that will still take some adjusting to. He did GREAT the first day, such a big boy. They said after we left he only cried for a couple minutes and that after that the only time he cried was naptime! Gosh, who knew it would be that easy. STILL I won't be able to shake the feeling I have in the pit of my stomach when it comes to his sensitivity of Germies and Sickness, but I guess we can only take it one day at a time. The worst case is that he gets OOBER sick but I am hoping if we keep up with shots, keep an eye on any funky symptoms and stay going to his scheduled heart appointments he will be okay. Like everyone keeps telling me: "you can't keep him in a bubble forever" but I surely wish I could!

So as hard as I thought this day would be, they were soo much easier. The kids did great and of course I heard all about it as soon as I walked in the door!
That picture of you and Rian is priceless, and I LOVE his flip flops. What a big day, a would have been a mess with all my babies going off to school. I am already dreading leaving my boys when I go back to work and they aren't even here yet. I cannot believe Neya is in Kindergarten! So glad to hear that the day went off without a hitch. We love you guys and are so so glad that you have made plans to come see the boys. I sure hope they make their grand entrance before you get here. hahaha!!! but not yet!! Not until September boys!!!