This weekend was supposed to be pretty low key, we were really really trying get the boat 100% this weekeng but of course, that didn't happen so hopefully by this next weekened it will be up and functioning. I will keep you guys posted :) What we did do this weekend was attend my cousin Martina's 8th birthday party! Ugh. I know I am getting older when my little cousins are now the same age as my kids and I remember when they weren't even on this planet and I was the 'young one' in the group. I tell ya, as Martina says "Time Flies". Her Birthday was awesome as usual and we even got to experience somethign he kids had never done. Outside of the bounce house, pinata, cake, food and other awesomeness, they had a zipline! Yes. A zipline in their backyard! You hung from the handle and off you 'flew' for about 25 feet. I mean I didn't do it (hello didn't want the thing to break...even though Marci assured me it wouldn't) but the kids loved it. Once they got over the fear of falling from the tree house due to not holding onto the handle. Haha. I have created some REALLY paranoid little kids!
Neya loved it and she went on over and over, Carina was a bit iffy but in the end was loving it and Rian, well I didn't trust him grabbing onto it from the tree house so I would drag the handle halfway down the line and let him hand and 'fly' down to the mat they had placed at the end. HE LOVED IT! I loved the smile he got but I did not love that I had to lift him up each time as that kid is solid as a rock and this momma has some super weak arms. Haha.
All in all the party was a blast and I am not sure why I don't hang around with family more often! Time to change that, especially I am keeping up with 'getting out more often' and not being so 'boring'.
Saturday night we went back to the boat, I covered the big seat that was looking TERRIBLE (along with all the rest) and we decided to make sure we get a good piece of plywood to recarpet and 'redo' the floor of the boat with. I mean this thing is a 1972 old school boat but it can fit up to 8 people (maybe more with as small as the kids are) has a sweet sounding motor and can pull skis and such so I can't really complain. Not to mention it is free. It may look a bit hoopty but I am down with that. Don't hate! Once we get the plywood in I will take a pic of the boat and 'show it off' but I didn't get any good 'before' pics so you may not entirely appreciate the 'after' since it will still look old and beat up :)
Sunday RC was off and we woke up with a plan and as the day played out our plan somewhat fizzled and we just let the day play out on its own and we were still smiling by the end of it. The kids let us sleep in, like...for real sleep in....we stayed in bed until 840am! GASP! That is like us sleeping till normal peoples NOON! Yeah we were already excited. The plan was to get a doghouse built, to fence up the backyard, to put shade up for Chloe and to then relax the rest of the day. What we really ended up doing was dilly dallying, getting showered and deciding we wanted to eat somewhere new so once we got into town and the kids had begged to eat at Big D burgers, we sadly declined and told them we were taking them up-valley to go grub out somewhere new. I have no idea whats up there but hey, anything is better than the same old stuff we always eat. So off we went! We ended up in St. Helena and I had remembered I place I used to go to as a kid that was a cafe/ice cream parlor and of course, it was closed soooo we had to have a backup plan. We walked up and down Main Street and we finally found a cute little panini place that was also a gelato shop. The kids were a bit stand offish until they realized it was just toasted sandwiches and of course, we could order french fries. We had yummy yummy food and although the interior had a fly or two more hanging around than i would have liked, the panini's were dee-lish as was the gelato. The kids also grubbed out and Carina was even shocked that she liked having lettuce on her panini. Haha. Baby steps! After that we walked around a couple stores, found some super cute baby shops and even found a sweet dog store that sells foofy stuff. We have a cap on spending as we want to save every penny for our upcoming Disneyland trip so Chloe only got a bowl and some cute treats and the babies in my life are going to have to wait for cute presents until they are actually here. Sorry guys!
Oh and Carina got feathers in her hair. She was SOO excited and although I don't see all the rage she has helped out a whole lot lately and I am glad RC and I got to show her some appreciation.
After the whole trip to St. Helena we did end up fencing in the area for Chloe but we did not put the shade up so she was in her kennel one last day and today is her first go round of being outside all day. Hopefully she does good and since it has cooled down I don't feel so terrible. I am excited to give her a bit more freedom during the day and it will help me not feel so darn guilty when we have longer days. At least now she can go to the bathroom and not have to hold it all day or have little accidents in her kennel :)
Oh and I forgot to mention. Two weekends ago my dad had mentioned that his neighbor, someone who has lived next to use forever was having a 70th birthday party. He had asked me to take a picture of his property thinking that would be a nice unique gift. Then we started talking about how I love photography and just some cool things I have done since I got camera that I haven't really shared with anyone (just editing or taking pics of special things and makign them personal that 'just a picture'). This got him excited so he asked me to do something special for his friend. I am pretty proud of how it all turned out so I wanted to share the before, after and final product (me standing in front of the guys property with the framed picture). The resized pics don't really do it all justice and of course you can't see how great of a job the printer did for me (Photo Pro in Napa ROCKS and so does Artissimo who did the custom mat) but man it really turned out great and how cool is it that my 'artwork' is hangin up in a house other than my own or my families! Hopefully you enjoy :)

Some cool videos from the weekend:
Carina 'hurting' the pinata:
Singing Martina Happy Birthday:
Laneya 'flying' on the zipline: