Random Pics from the last week or so...
Baseball game for our anniversary, gift from Melody's Dad ... Oakland A's Sprint Training :)
Cute Videos...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Lil' of this...lil' of that...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Quick pics from CA
Hernandez Clan visits the Snook Family!
Dress shopping with Grandma Debbie
OH and here are some of the pics from Chicago...Whoops. Almost forgot them!
The Giant Metal Bean :)
Sweet outside concert area in Millenium Park
The view of me a standing on a 3 inch piece of glass at the top of Sears Tower (Willis Tower...long story) and looking straight down at the sidewalk ONE MILE below!
The rest of the view from the top of Sears Tower :) SUPER PRETTY!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patricks Day!
We had Pro'Malley's Pub in our conference room and in there we had "near beer pong" (using o'douls), had a dart competition, made Jello Shooters (sans alcohol), they provided us with yummy pizza for lunch and THEN...we also got to have happy hour on a Wednesday! Sheesh! Doesn't get much better than that.
Although the girls were out in CA with RC, they still sent us some St. Patty's Day love...

Rian and myself found ourselves at the besties house and we grubbed on some DEE-LISH Chili, brownies and of course we watched the AI Kick-Off show! WOOT! Good times had by all, even the boys. Man we realized tonight that they are SOO grown up, they interact, they chase eachother (which wasn't complete without at least ONE ouchie) and they totally gab to one another. Its hilarious. They are still at the age that its CUTE to see them hug eachother but don't worry we are ALSO showing them how to do "knuckles" and "fist bump" so that they are "cool" and "hip". Then again we are parents so what the heck do we know about being Cool. Haha.
The house has been relatively quiet these days, I get home around bed time for Rian (little later tonight) and by then either no one else is home or they are and they are already cooped up in their room. Aww well. Can't say it isn't nice to just relax here and there. I mean when was the last time I actually wrote a blog from the house...at Night none the less!
Here are some pics from tonight and then read on for some NEW family news! Yes, we have some...been a while...but you must scroll in suspense past the pics to read about it!
Okay onto the family news. Pending 100% approval from my work...we are relocating BACK to CA! I know I know, we swore we would never go back, but sometimes opportunity knocks and you gotta answer, no matter how much you think its a damn salesman. I am nervous, sad, irritated (mostly cause we SWORE we would never go back and here we are...going) and I am excited all at the same time. I am mostly sad and nervous cause I have made some really good friends out here, like...tell your deepest darkest secret kinda friends and I am scared to NOT have them by my side through some of these tough days. I guess it all happens for a reason. I gotta talk to a co-worker tomorrow about some possible changes and the fun part is that I think she might not agree and that will throw a HUGE kink in the plans. like HUGE krink. OH well.
Point blank. My husband is moving to CA for a job opportunity so I either stay here and we have a long distance marriage...Uhm...not likely...or I move as well. Second move for this guy...He is gonna owe me huge. Maybe I can score a sweet purse or maybe a pair of Jimmy Choo's. Yeah RIGHT! This girl is NOT the girl that would be caught wearing those...not becuase I don't want to, but because I can spend that much money on better stuff! Hehe.
Well that's really all the news, I hope that you understand me not going into details. I will get you all the nitty gritty later on, for now I think that was big enough news.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
That is a little quote my hubby put up on Facebook, and I though, ya know, he is TOTALLY right. You never realize how much you lean on one another until that person is gone on a trip or even sometimes working a really long 7 day 13-16 hour a day work week. You miss the way you guys gel together and how everything seems so seamless and easy.
For RC and I we are NOT the perfect couple, we still have little arguments (some bigger than others) and we still have little things that drive one another crazy, like how I can be looking at him but not ACTUALLY hear anything he is saying, or how I can zone out and not hear the kids whining and crying but the second I DO hear them and he isn't reacting I get flustered, and likewise it drives me crazy that the garbage can pile up and until he sees me grab a garbage bag does he bother to take it out or until I start to bring up bathtime does he remember we have a 7pm routine for the kids getting baths (even if its 8pm when I remember) haha.
It is all the little things that make you appreciate one another and RC has decided to see what it may take to start his own business and with that said it will cause him to travel more, while I ALSO travel more and although one or the other will always be home it will lead to more "do it yourself" time with the kids and I think as opposed to make us weaker, it will make us stronger. I hope anyways. So if I come on here and am having a total ranting and raving moment about how life is horrible and such, I will just remember, it will get easier and somewhere out there a person has it TEN gazillion times worse. I mean. Shoot, I have seen Nanny 911 and Super Nanny, I know we are NOT that bad off. Haha. Our kids may only dislike eating any food at all that doesn't contain sugar (This is Neya I speak of) or they may have boyfriends at a young age, ugh (Carina I speak of) or they may even decide to have learned how to say NO in the absolute right context and USE IT at every chance they get (I speak of Rian haha) but at the end of the day they aren't hitting me, cursing at me or spitting on me and ya know, I have Super Nanny and Nanny 911 to thank for showing me, the grass AIN'T always greener :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday I get to the Phoenix airport and decide to look up the weather while I wait, go figure I actually showed up early! WOOT! The weather in Chicago was actually supposed to be really nice, for Chicago. A whopping 45-50 degrees and "sunny", meaning a little glimmer of light through the clouds. I was actually kinda excited as I was wearing my comfy clothes, I figured I wouldnt look TOTALLY like a tourist. Uhm ::cough:: I was wearing shorts, a sweater and some "ugg like" boots. Yes I STILL looked like a tourist, who was I kidding.
Anywho got on my FULL flight, sat next to probably one of the quietest mid 20 year old guys I have ever met and a lady who couldn't WAIT to ask the flight attendant for her Heineken. Ha. Funny. The flight was good, the company was BORING so I watched a movie while the guy next to me filled out his...annual review? What the heck. I couldn't help but peek at what he was writing and it was totally something he read in a book that sounded "proper" and totally non personal. Ugh I wanted to just critique the heck out of him. haha. His laptop was REALLY cool though. Darn him!
Anywho, we landed, I was excited it was still daytime I could be a tourist, rush off the plane and go to the baggage claim..wait...wait and wait some more only to find out that my darn luggage was...LOST! GASP! I was soo mad, so I (along with roughly 65 other folks) get to the Southwest office, tell them our issue and apparently there was 47 luggage bags ON the plan and how they "chose" whose was "lost" who knows but what I do know is that for SOME reason they marked EVERYONE (no matter how early you go there) that checked into the Skycap as "late checkin" so our luggage was on the next flight. WHAT THE HECK! So I had to wait until 5pm (I got in at 3 mind you) for my luggage to show up. The FUNNY part was that they said "you can check in at your hotel and return to the airport when it arrives" ha. Funny. Why?!? Well because my hotel and office were almost 1.5 hours away! Ha. so yeah, I had to sit there and wait. I am a people watcher so I suppose it didn't matter but goodness, so much for being a tourist that night.
Monday I get up, after my super LAME Sunday night (and my SUPER YUMMY Gino's deep dish pizza) and get showered, dressed and head off to the airport at 6 AM! YIKES...early. The kicker is...apparently no one heads into the office until 7am. haha. So there I sat in my rental Chrysler Sebring in my dress and heels until someone showed up. No worries I had some Dunkin' Donuts in the car to keep me company. Haha. I worked a LONG 12 hour day, complete with no break and the same went for today. Total re-run except that instead of Dunkin' Donuts my guilty pleasure was a Iced Chai Latte. Yes I know, there is snow on the ground and STILL I get an iced coffee, hey cut me some slack, at least I wore pants today instead of something "spring like". Hehe.
Ya know, the funniest thing about going on a work trip is that you would THINK you are relieved to be without your family and kids and all the hecticness but truth be told, the highlight of my day is showing up at the hotel after my LONG day at work and hooking up the webcam to Skype with the fam. I LOVE my fam and my kids and it is ALWAYS funny to see them be silly...and the best part...I feel like a non mommy type person because I can hang up the webcam and not have to do bed time and teethbrushing and all that jazz. Haha. Sorry Hunny..don't worry it will be my turn soon!
Well I am going to head off to bed and if you didn't already think I am an odd one, the BEST part of the trip is I have realized I am the best person ever to clean up after in a hotel because I fold my towels and clean up the room before I head out for the day AND I don't even sleep in the bed so they don't have to make it! The reason...well I always worry that there are yucky things in there so I bring my own blanket and sleep peacefully knowing NO bed bugs will bite. Aww yes, I am odd, but that is why every now and then my little blog posts make you giggle!
Monday, March 8, 2010
I apologize...
So, now I am in Chicago, away from the fam and I will continue to be out here roughly every three weeks. MAYBE this will mean I get it to see the spring out here. The one thing I did figure out though is that Chicago is not where we can move for in the future as my allergies are even worse out here. There is still snow on the ground EXCEPT my allergies are going crazy. WEIRD. The good news is that I was going to have to come out here on the 21st for a week, however, that seems to potentially be cancelled. THE GOOD NEWS is that I won't miss our 1 year wedding anniversary.
Sheesh, I can't believe we have been married for an entire year. That is crazy. It has been a great year and that is no joke. We have gone on trips, we have had some work changes and the better part is we have had some slight rough patches (meaning little mini arguments) but we have always worked through it together.
Either way life has been crazy and we are just looking forward to more times together as a family and as a couple. The greatest thing is that we have a couple trips already planned, Sedona at the end of this month. WOOT! Vegas in June! DOUBLE WOOT.
Now for all that you have been waiting for..the pics we have taken lately. A vast majority are from my camera phone. Yes I have been slacking on the GOOD picture taking. SORRY!
Ash cut Rian's hair for his first "faded up" big boy haircut!
Neya as "The Statue of Liberty"
Our lil' monsters :)
Green Egg's and Ham Day at the girls school to celebrate the Cat in the Hat's birthday. Mommy is behind the camera (of course!)
Austin's 19th birthday and Ash apparently like the frosting :)
Xander and Rian playin' on a forklift outside El Bravo. YUM. El Bravo.
Rian apparently thought mommies first REAL luggage set needed to be broken in. Haha.
Skype time while mommy is in Chicago!